Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Comic #1 is Publishing NOW!

 Yup, I'm publishing Comic 1:

About: Captain Sprite gives an introduction to Modern History Lecture to students during the Liberty or Death time period.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5VRR3ML

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/captain-sprites-history-lecture-chris-hechtl/1141734825?ean=2940186751502


Saturday, July 2, 2022

Comic #1


  So, I finished the first and second comic. Actually, I finished the second first, then went back and did the first using what I learned. :)

  Anyway, I was waiting on feedback and other stuff before publishing the first while ramping up to work on the third and fourth comics. But I ran into a series of snags.

  My plan had been to public comic #1 in late June. Obviously that didn't happen due to circumstances out of my control. :P

  I also ran into one headache after another with the last 2 comics. The Daz-Cinema bridge was 'updated' and no longer works as an example. That is the big one, as is the sheer amount of work in the next comic. (14 sets, 44 characters to port over with a limited budget and library) The weather is also another major hindrance, I can no longer render after 1pm due to the heat. 

  So for those reasons I've shelved the next 2 comics and graphic novel compilation and shifted back to writing. Shelby 7 has been finished, so that is in the pipeline behind the 2 comics. I started Fortunes of War yesterday and I've gotten into the usual blocking and outline. It is... interesting getting into writing again, and not just because it is summer and I'm trying that LibreOffice software. (Which is taking me some time to figure out)

So, that is where I'm at on those fronts.

  I usually post a couple snippets in the lead up to the publishing of a book. Instead I will publish the cover and 1-2 pages from each comic.Speaking of which:

  These comics take place during the Liberty or Death novel. Comic 1 serves as an intro to the series with a lot of shots you may recognize. I went back and reshot some of the covers, cleaned some stuff up, and applied new software and new (well, new to me) techniques to improve things while introducing the reader to the story.

As an example: Sprite is a new model revised and updated from her old version.

  If you are wondering about the format, I set it up with the standard bleed etc line using a template I downloaded from Kablam. The idea is to set myself up for a possible print in the future. We'll have to wait and see though what the future brings.

So, just waiting on the comic to come back from Goodlife. Until then have a Happy Fourth!

Lowering the Hammer has published!

 Yep.      About:   The Federation is finally ticking along as things start to come together. The Tauren war is over in the west, the Fede...