Monday, July 7, 2014

Bootstrap Colony 2 Second Chances cover

   Okay, as most of you who read the comments know, I'm still sick. Ugh. I can't seem to shake this cold or bug or whatever. Over 2 weeks now, and it's still got me. (my mouth is all messed up with cold sores too) Dad's also slow on the recovery, but he was diagnosed with Pneumonia. Keeping the house going, feeding/medicating him and I, and trying to get better is a daily struggle. Sometimes all I want to do is sleep. You mom's who did this with kids are awe inspiring! :)

Anyway, here is the cover so far:
   You can't see the lay of the land well, but there is a moat on the other side of the concrete and fence. Then the plants and animals in the mid-ground, then a river then the hills with the saurapods under the text in the background. If you peek around the SE you'll see someone peeking back...

   I feel like Bob Ross and his painting. (yeah, I'm dating myself) All that detail, then "Get brave" With putting the text on top. (You should have heard me whimper!) It worked out okay though. I was tempted to move the Second Chances down above my name. lol (another couple of easter eggs there)

   I was going to try to paint in some more plants and use a crowd generator but I decided to just go with what I've got. :) I lost count of all the animals. lol

   Mike and Thomas have both finished reading the story and given me their feedback. I need to integrate it with what Poon has sent so far and then send it on to Tim and whoever else wants a crack at it. I'm still on track to publish it sometime in August... I think.

   Oh, forgot, I bought the Genesis Gorilla and started playing with it. I did 2 character pieces.
I'm hoping Rawart will do an update to his Ape kit someday so I can have more fun. Maybe I'll have a scene with the apes and the bruins play football or meet up for beers in a bar... hmmm...

   In other news, I started puttering around with To Touch the Stars. I've added my notes to the main manuscript and a couple scenes. I doubled the page count yesterday. The story plot is still soft, I need to go over the notes and outlined plot and integrate them with what I've got so far and where I want to take the story. Plus I've got all sorts of tie ins to the short stories to be aware of. That's always fun to try to keep in mind.

   And finally... I haven't forgotten the FB group Character Contest. I'm opening it up to the Beta's to help the judging even though there are only a couple of entries. We shall see how it goes.

EDIT: A couple of the Betas complained about the ground, so I tried to add some grass. Here is the result.

    I am still sick, though I am getting better. Dad too, though he backslid a bit last night. Neither one of us got much sleep last night. I'd say I'm at about 80%.
    I'm still poking away at To Touch the Stars. The plot is evolving from my treatment. Since I've been bored I spent some time reading up on hyperspace theories, drive ideas, etc. (Making Starships and Stargates by James F. Woodward is currently on my desk) I also got around to reading an old scifi book I'd hoped would inspire me.... and was frustrated when I finished it. :P It stunk.

    I've just been warned I'm being invaded around noon so the brat pack can swim and eat me out of house and home while tearing the house apart. So, I better get back to writing while I can! :)

Lowering the Hammer has published!

 Yep.      About:   The Federation is finally ticking along as things start to come together. The Tauren war is over in the west, the Fede...