Thursday, October 19, 2017

Semper Fidelis is being published in 3...2...1... NOW!

I know I didn't drop the usual snippets this go around, sorry about that.
There are 9 stories in total in the book.
Shipping Out: Colonel Pendeckle's Division is leaving Protodon but with unfinished business...
Wrap Up: Colonel Harley's wrap up of the Destria mission.
Nuevo Madrid: Colonel Kodiak's people have their hands full with the invasion of Nuevo Madrid...
Good Training: General Forth is busy...
You can't go home again: Lewis and Clarke are learning that there isn't any such thing as a happily ever after.
Dog Days of Summer: Gunny Schultz is about to find out that recruiting can be hazardous to one's health...
Sky Dancer: Deja and the staff and students of the MAWTS-1 facility have to deal with problems of their own.
Duty and Honor: The crew of Ark Royal are going to get more than they bargained for!
...And finally...
No Laughing Matter: Lieutenant Quinn has a planet full of Horathians but only a hand full of Marines. When it comes to a Marine and a butterknife, the Horathians are outnumbered and outgunned... but try telling them that!

I'll post the links when they go live.

Edit: Here it is on Amazon thanks to Cwpick:

Here it is on B&N:

Lowering The Hammer Snippet 1

 Sitrep: so, I'm still working on figuring out our housing situation. Not fun. Anyway, I started Shelby 9, Peacekeepers and I also sent ...