Monday, May 21, 2018

Pi Fight

Okay, first off, I wanted to leave the previous post up as long as possible to let In Search of Pi sink in.

   Second, I finished Pi Fight 2 weeks ago. I also did the cover art. Several of the first Betas have come in with their reviews. If any Beta wants a crack at it, please let me know ASAP.

Here is the cover:

Oops? I almost uploaded a StarCraft image. lol
The top is an external image of Port Royal. The bottom I think you can figure out.

   Anyway, I took last week 'off'. By off I mean I got caught up on some other projects. That included painting Valenko's Squad.

   Yes, my camera sucks. I need to get my brother-in-law with his fancy one to do the shots. And yes you can see bits of Artanis and other things in the background. :)
   I goofed up their camo, I was supposed to go with brown digicam. Instead I did a tan and then adapted it with black, green, and brown stripes. It was the closest I could get to digicam with a paint brush.
  I tried and failed at painting fur. And yeah, I suck at tiger stripes. Well, technically he is a Liger, half white lion half white tiger so I dunno if I got them right or not.
  I learned a few things while doing them. One important thing is to print in ABS with a 5% infill if possible. It cuts down on the plastic. Don't use the gray plastic, it sucked on Miles and Asazi. Printing them upside down helps too.
   I did use hot acetone vapor with the 2 humans over the prime and sand method I used with the others. I wish now I'd done that from the start! So much better and easier! Though both still needed plenty of putty work to fill in some issues. :P
   Also, only a few are really set up to stand on their own. Gusterson, Chirby, Schultz, Asazi, and Jethro want to fall over. Ox and Sergei want to rest on their laurels, and I had to glue Hurranna to Ox later.
  Chirby has replacement legs. Gusterson and Schultz lost a part of their ears when they toppled over onto the floor. Hurranna lost her 2 fingers. I've had to glue both of the Neodogs back together so there was some much gnashing of teeth involved there. (What can I say? I'm a klutz! Or they are!)
   I still haven't finished the base. Right now I have that acrylic sheet you see them on top of glued to a piece of poster board. I am going to figure out how to mount them (most likely with magnets) to the base, then paint the base with acrylics the best I can.

Last bit of news. Well, 2 more.

1: I'll be posting snippets of Pi Fight when the last Beta gets their input in and I send it to Rea. Expect that next week. I'm shooting to publish this next month.

2: I 'officially' started Liberty or Death this morning. I am aware I probably should have went with Horatio Logan 3, (it takes place between TTT and the end of LOD) but I've got more invested in LOD right now, so I ran with it. I added some bits yesterday (which turned out to be 16 pages lol) so I started with a healthy 80 pages of notes and blocking this morning. Fun.
I added 11 pages today (so far) I'm trying to not brown out early. No Wayne, no finished chapters...yet. :)

   Oh Agents of Shield, where to start? I had so many lingering questions! What happened to the Theta helicarrier? What happened to the Iliad and crew? What happened to Lola? All the bases? The other members of Shield?? Why did Deathlock and crew stay out of the final battle? Why not have Hunter and Bobby in on things? If they are the most wanted, hell, why not bring them in? Misery likes company right??
  What happened to Deek? There are probably a million more. The producers said all that happened right up to just before the events in Infinity War. (Which I haven't seen, nor Black Panther so don't spoil em!) I doubt we'll find out an answer to many of those questions, if any of those in the summer of 2019. Oh well.

   Summer of 2019. Geesh.
   I am curious. I have a couple theories, including 1 outlandish one that Coulson is the biological son of Howard Stark and that they worked on Lola together as mentioned. That would explain how he got into Stark tower in the Avengers. I also have another one, where this big secret about the next movie is where they bring the universes crashing together. Which may or may not include Deadpool and the X-men. Just my idea with no proof though.

  It was cool to see the AOS art people use the same ship I've used for 1 or more of the book covers. That's right, that ship you saw crash into Chicago is the same one on Renderosity! Someone did a little tweaking, but yup, same ship. I told Simon and Skynet that. I think they were amused.

That is all, for now!

Lowering the Hammer has published!

 Yep.      About:   The Federation is finally ticking along as things start to come together. The Tauren war is over in the west, the Fede...