Saturday, December 25, 2021

Happy Holidays!

 A bit late, but better late than never right?

  I have been very busy the past few days, Covid put in an unwanted appearance with the extended family, crimping the plans and throwing me in the spotlight. But all is well. We survived my cooking for another year! Yay!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Friday, December 10, 2021

Princess Rescue Inc 3 Invasion is publishing now!


    Eugene Ryans and crew have been settling in with their families and adopted home. The Imperium has been growing and modernizing under their guidance. But some of the neighboring countries are jealous and are conspiring to deal with the threat they see the Imperium becoming...

   Meanwhile, forces on Earth are conspiring to get in on the action and away from the doom the planet is facing...



Wednesday, December 8, 2021

PRI 3 Snippet 7


Chapter 6




Eugene was all smiles when the plane's hatch opened and the breeze and light came gushing in. It had been a long flight, shorter than the last but still nearly a week of sitting in that seat. He wasn't quite over his issue with flying, but he was coping.

He chuckled when he saw a pair of ladies waiting for him. The look of love and excitement made all the ass-ache from the long trip worth it. “How are my girls?” he asked as he went and hugged his wife. She had probably scandalized the old guard by wearing gaijin clothing. From the look of it, she'd taken one of his button down shirts and rolled the sleeves up while wearing a faux leopard print power bra top under it.

She had a short black skirt on and long black boots with heels. She was dressed to the nines and the only thing that looked slightly out of place was the growing belly bump. She hadn't started to show before he'd left.

He smiled tenderly, stroking her belly with his fingertips as he kissed her long and thoroughly. When the kiss broke, the smile she had was all he needed to see that she was delighted to see him.

Of course she couldn't help but poke him when the fingertips started to tickle a bit.

“Later,” she promised as a hand grabbed his pant leg. He turned and pulled the little blond minx into his arms.

“Miss me?” he asked as he kissed her cheek and ear. She looked to the people getting out of the plane and waved. “Apparently not enough,” he drawled. He pretended to flip her but caught her when she squealed. He whirled her around like an airplane for a few times as she giggled and then brought her up. “How about now?”

She grinned at him. It was a characteristic three-year-old infectious smile that made the entire world go away in that moment. She nodded and wriggled as he tickled her. Her mother tickled her from behind and she arched her back and protested.

Both adults laughed softly. He let her down and then tucked his wife under his arm. “Hey, did someone forget something?” the copilot asked.

They turned back to see him holding up a package. “Oh, yeah!” Eugene said. He pointed to it and then to the little girl. “That's for you from your aunty.”

The girl skipped over and took it. She opened it and then gasped eyes wide as she hugged the stuffed animal. The adults snorted.

“Another one? As if she needs another,” Deidra said with a chuckle. “She has an entire zoo.”

“Maybe we should open a zoo of stuffed animals?” her husband teased. She gave him a mock disapproving look but collected their daughter so they could be on their way.


Eugene spent the evening talking with the group, eating dinner, and catching up. He filled them in about Zara and showed them pictures he'd taken.

He read to little Hermione until she fell asleep and then his mate took him by the hand to draw him to their suite to show just how much she had missed him.


Max kicked off the second week of touring industry by visiting a vehicle assembly plant. They were working on trucks, the mainstay of any country. The trucks were work trucks of course. The assembly line could build them or be retooled to produce other vehicles as needed.

Everything was electric, though he knew that was still an issue. Power generation was a major concern, which was why there was a factory for producing components to build giant wind turbines down the road and another assembly plant to produce construction equipment.

There were complaints that the capital was hogging all of the industry. Recently some subassembly plants had opened in some of the neighboring villages and some as far away as the Duchy of Emory.

More were being constructed as the local dominus realized their importance and invested not just in the buildings, but in the infrastructure necessary to run them successfully.

They were using power tools more and more, a good thing. Currently power was an issue though; they could only run the plant for six to eight hours a day, which limited production. But production was up to one vehicle an hour, an impressive feat for medieval level people.

He was impressed but knew they had a lot to go still. Which meant he had his work cut out for him.


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

PRI 3 Snippet 6


Chapter 5




Eugene smiled to Zara as she looked a bit forlorn. “You can come back for a visit sometime,” he teased.

She shook her head instantly.

He cocked his head and then snorted. “Should I smuggle up some more of your imp buddies then?”

She looked up and then shrugged.

He snorted and reached out and pulled her into his arms for an embrace. “I know it's tough up here,” he murmured.

“Yeah,” she said quietly as she squeezed him back. “I love some stuff about it but it's hard to be away from the family.”

“I know. We miss you too,” he said. Deidra had wanted to come but with the kids she just couldn't travel long distances. The risk was too great in too many ways.

“Well, the good news is we're improving tech every day. Who knows? Maybe in a year or so we'll have a jet!”

She blinked and looked up at him.

“It would get us here or you home in hours,” he explained.


He smiled and squeezed her again. “I think you'd be amazed at how much the capital and even other areas have changed. You might not recognize it if you stay away too long.”

“I want to come. It's just … every time I think I can carve out the time something else crops up that demands my instant attention. It's maddening.”

He nodded. He had come up to give her a little support as she rammed through a handful of articles and laws through parliament. Now that it was done, he was set to return. He was supposed to get back just in time for the tour of industry that was to kick off for several weeks.

“So, I'll tell your sister that you haven't found anyone yet. She'll fend off the old biddies who are trying to pawn you off on some old dominus or another …”

Zara scowled and poked him.

“ …Oof!” He chuckled. “I said she'd do it!”

“Yeah, I know. She better not be taking candidates,” Zara growled.

He chuckled. “I doubt your sister would do that.”

Zara gave him a long look. “Okay, so, she's not that far removed from your people and traditions,” he said with a shrug. “Sue and Wanda wouldn't stand for it. She'd also take your tastes into account.”

Zara sniffed.

“Of course, if you've got a hunk in mind that's reluctant, I'm sure your sister can …,” he oofed again with a chuckle as she poked him again.

He snorted but noted the audience and waved to them. Some waved back.

“See you in a couple of months?”

“Yes. And bring more pictures of my niece and nephew,” Zara grumbled. “Video too,” she added.

“Will do. In time, they might make this trip too, who knows what the future will bring?” he asked with a smile.

She blinked and then shrugged again.

He waved to the group and then motioned for the three teenagers to get into the plane. They eagerly leapt forward and nearly knocked each other over trying to get in. “Easy,” he laughed as they finally sorted themselves out. Each had a light luggage bag with them.

Each of the boys were recent graduates of the abbreviated classes Zara had set up with her educational minister. She had started a small college, but there wasn't much call for it due to the lack of properly educated students. That was slowly beginning to change though.

The trio were exchange students in the medicus program. They each had scholarships to learn their craft. They had to spend several annus, local years in the medical service to their country to work off the scholarships and loans though, but each were eager to do so since private practice was still a growing thing.

“If the weather holds, I'll be back before winter. If not, I'll see you next spring. Okay?”

“Okay,” Zara said. She felt him embrace her again and then let go. “I'll behave.”

“That'll be the day,” he said as she pretended to smack him into the aircraft.

She stepped back and then walked away to get clear of the aircraft. Her outfit fluttered in the wind as the props started up and the aircraft's door closed. The craft taxied away and then lined up for the runway. It revved its engines and took off as the audience waved and cheered.

Once the aircraft had pulled up and away, Zara turned and nodded to her staff and security detail. “Time to get back to work,” she said with a small smile. Her people nodded.


Eugene watched out the small porthole window as the aircraft climbed and turned away. When he couldn't see the small figures anymore, he turned to look at his companions.

His two bodyguards were seated nearby. Both looked comfortable. Bret looked ready to take a nap, no surprise there.

Two of the three passengers were agog at the sights through the window, chattering eagerly. The third had a death grip on the armrests of his chair, and there was a slight tinge smell of urine. Eugene grimaced but just nodded.

“Obviously, this is your first time flying,” he said, pitching his voice to the group. The duo turned to him. “Bathroom in the back.” he indicated the back of the plane. “Make sure you remain in your seat and have your seatbelt on even if you are asleep. We might hit some turbulence, and it's not fun to be bounced around the cabin.”

The duo nodded and looked to their companion. One bit his lip, clearly amused.

“Fear of heights and flying is natural,” Eugene said. “I survived a plane crash when I wasn't much younger than you three are. Just don't move around too much and follow orders and hopefully we'll be fine.”

The trio nodded. The terrified lad was a bit choppy.

“Blankets are in the overhead. I suggest you enjoy the sights or take a nap,” he nodded to Bret who was lying back in his seat and looked ready to start snoring at any minute. He even had a small pillow and blanket out. The lads snorted.

Eugene smiled and then looked out the window again.


Monday, December 6, 2021

PRI 3 Snippet 5

  Watch out for rip off artists out there, especially shipping! I went to purchase something for $19 and they wanted "$18.99 for 'Expedited' shipping to guarantee it gets here by Christmas."

I went with the free shipping (Dec 14-21) and low and behold they shipped it within 20 minutes of my order. Funny that!

Anyway, moving on...

Chapter 4


On the road between the capital and Pryor City


For safety's sake, the team was split up with one driver, one soldier, one of the diplomats. and one of the gaijin in each vehicle. Legatus Zane took the middle one. They chattered over the local radio excitedly during the day but lapsed into silence as the road wore on.

They caught up over pauses to stretch their legs, but there was just one every six hours. Selene got them into discussing the mission.

In order to pass the time during the long drive, the passengers either slept or held briefings on Caliope. What little they knew about the nation was old. The players were mentioned, but again, all of their data was old or third hand.

The detailed information they had was centered on the spy caravans. The images of the spies were loaded on their phones. The three Terrans had smart phones with all of their information. Each of the devices were locked by a thumbprint and pin.

Selene and Jim entered a healthy debate about the clothing the natives had worn, their language, and even the design of their vehicles. Sydney listened for a bit but eventually tuned it out when it got boring.

They took one rest break outside a village at the halfway mark between the capital and Pryor to refuel and unload their abused bladders. It was nearly dawn. The mechanic checked the vehicles and did some minor adjustments before they hit the road again.

Legatus Zane, the military leader, made certain to report in about their progress through the radio.


Legatus Zane did his duty to report in as instructed. He wasn't keen about the mission, but he knew his duty and intended to follow the mission to the best of his ability.

He was a veteran of the Duluth war as well as the commando unit, the Flying Legion. He had taken Alpha Platoon into Duluth to rescue Princess Zara. He'd been on track to be promoted to princeps, captain, but this mission had come up.

He'd initially resented being tapped until he'd been told in a backhanded way that it was something of a compliment. That the command authority trusted his discretion and leadership and his ability to see the mission through and protect the group.

It was a lot of responsibility though. Sergeant Waters had said something about protecting bumbling DPs in deep injun country was a thankless job. He hadn't been certain as to what that had meant.

He was cross-trained in security though, and he had medicus training to boot. He had his formal uniform packed away with him as did all of his troops. Of the troops, he had only been able to bring Shane with him as a familiar face.

All of the miles were fully trained but only four were veterans like Shane and himself. The drivers were all Flying Legion cross-trained in security, which was something of a relief to him. He did occasionally wonder how long he'd been on tap for this particular mission and why no one had dropped a hint as to it coming up. Perhaps because they thought he might try to avoid it?

Such questions could wait until later he thought as introductions began.


Caliopean Gate


Erbecus was briefed on the acceptance of the request and that the convoy had moved out a day later. He was surprised at how fast they had moved.

He was even more surprised that evening when he was informed that the convoy had Pryor just before bed. “How? Didn't they leave yesterday?”

“Yes. They are traveling on our new roads with new vehicles,” the legatus replied with an indifferent shrug.

When he repeated the news to his team, Quintus was excited. The others were skeptical, but when he repeated that they would be seeing the convoy sometime tomorrow, they had a mixture of quiet alarm and excitement.

“Isn't that rather fast?” Hadrien asked.


“What does that mean?”

“It means that they can move troops around very fast or goods,” Quintus replied absently. The others looked at each other in concern. “Trade must be very fast. Does anyone know the distance between the capital and Pryor? Sorry, I don't know. I'd like to calculate how fast they are traveling. Do we know the exact time they left?”

Erbecus shook his head. “I don't know either of those things,” he said. Quintus looked frustrated but then shrugged his question aside.


Sunday, December 5, 2021

PRI 3 Snippet 4

 So, sitrep, Goodlifeguide just got back to me and said the manuscript will be returned sometime during the week. Cool.

I guess you'll just have to contend yourselves with snippets for the time being.😀

Chapter 3


Max was annoyed that a majority of the road construction projects outside of the capital had to be switched to tar over concrete. Concrete was great for some things, but the concrete didn't hold up to the expansion and contraction of the cold winters, nor the rock salt used to clear the roads. They had several sources of oil though, so it had been sorted out.

The cement works was a major project and drew a lot of power like the fertilizer program. No surprise there, grinding rocks and moving rocks took a lot of energy. He just hated the idea of tar roads since they didn't last long either.

The oil products were coming in handy in other ways though. Not for vehicles, well, not directly. He was death on fossil fuels even though he had grown up wrenching a variety of gas and diesel engines in his youth. He backed Eugene's insistence on going green as much as possible and avoiding the pitfalls Earth had stumbled through. They didn't need or want to repeat past mistakes but instead do their best to learn and avoid them if possible. That was why they were using ethylene and biodiesel when electric wasn't good enough.

He hadn't been thrilled about opening up a seam of coal either, but both oil and coal were being processed for a variety of material. Everything from activated coal for industry and water filtration to plastics were being produced by the material. The growing steel industry required vast amounts of cooked coal in the form of coke in order to process raw iron into steel products.

There were limits to the raw supplies though, so he had to wonder if they'd run out before they could switch to another source of material.

It still beat building out of cobblestone though. It also beat building in the capital itself.

He shuddered. The Roman slash medieval style of street construction was narrow. Buildings frequently overhung the street since there was no building code. Well, there was now, but it was only affecting new construction.

Back alleys were extremely narrow, some only wide enough for a person to walk down. They were also poorly lit and covered in trash and slop in some quarters. Some were dangerous places to be at night.

The mayor and the city council were working on changes, but it was taking time. The first street signs and lights had gone up, along with traffic lights. But they were only on the main thoroughfares that were wide enough to handle a lot of traffic.

Some streets were going to have to be labeled one way. It was tough.


Sergeant Waters passed an open tavern door and noted the MPs were checking it. He cocked his head but they didn't catch sight of him. Apparently, they were checking just to check? He wasn't certain.

He was stuck in traffic; traffic in the capital was getting terrible as more and more vehicles were becoming available. It had been bad enough with branacks and carts, now the wider cars and trucks made it horrible at times like this. It fairly crawled. This was not something he'd wanted to have to sit in, but he was stuck.

He could hear the radio broadcast so he knew it was a high-end tavern. The native-built radios were expensive and only useful in buildings that had been wired for electrical power. They were a major draw though, bringing in natives to listen to the news, sports, drama, and music from the outlandish box on the wall.

They, of course, drank expensive ale or lager and ate there before going home. He saw the MPs pull a kid out of a tavern. The lad had his head down and was in a rumpled uniform with vomit stains on it. Well, at least they got their man he thought as he moved on.


Sue eyed the Burger Meister and sighed internally. Some people had to be shown things. He was a greedy type. She knew he had his hand in the till from some reported gossip around the castle. He'd had to scramble after a couple of audits and didn't like getting his hand slapped.

He had weathered those scandals and managed to adapt to audits and spreadsheets. But he'd taken some of his ire out on the Terrans by foot dragging and demanding explanations for everything.

She understood the theory; it was wise to explain things rather than just order it. That way the people understood the reasoning behind the changes. But it was still maddening to see some things go so slow.

“I still believe it should be first come, first serve. It's not like we have a lot of room in the streets for traffic to give the right-of-way to medicus,” Doland sniffed.

“First off, it isn't just medicus,” Sue interjected when he wound down and paused. “It is to any first responder, be it a medicus team or firefighters or law enforcement,” she explained. “Getting out of the way of the firefighters allows them to get to a scene and put a fire out before it spreads to consume an entire block,” she said firmly.

She saw him wince slightly. He really should lay off the fatty foods she thought idly.

“The lights and sirens, are they really necessary?” a city counselor demanded. “At night, they wake me up!”

Sue turned to him. “They are there to get people to move aside. Time is precious in a crisis. Every moment counts.”

“Still …”

“The simple answer is, if it is your child or wife or even you in the back of the ambulance would you want it delayed and stuck in traffic?” she demanded.

He blinked and then shook his head.

“And by extension, if the ambulance was trying to get to you to render aide?”

He shook his head again.

“I'm a medicus. I don't want anyone to die if we can stop it. The faster we get to a scene the faster we can help and the higher the chances of survival. It is that simple.”

She bowed and stepped aside from the podium. When they continued the debate, she just shook her head. Her phone went off, and she quietly excused herself to answer it.


Jethro 9 Snippet 3

  Chapter 3   Antigua   Jethro continued to deal with the pain of loss of Lil Red. Shanti continued to blame herself. Both had bee...