Monday, January 21, 2013

Progress report

Sorry for the lack of progress reports, I've, well, I can't really say I've been that busy, just distracted.

Ghost Station: Ghost Station is currently out of my hands, (literally) Mechmaster has had it since August of last year. He is currently proof reading Afraid of the Dark though, so it's going to be a while before he gets to Ghost Station. Afraid of the Dark is one of my longest novels. It's pretty ambitious.

The same goes for Princess Rescue inc. He has all 3 books btw, I turned them over to him in August and September of last year. I tried a few other people as proof readers, they failed miserably. (one tried to cheat me by claiming he did the work when he didn't even open the file, grrr) So until I can find someone else who is reliable (and cheap) Mechmaster is my only option. He is a good friend for putting up with me. Unfortunately he is swamped with other projects (like his Dalek comic) so he is very apologetic about being so slow. He said he's doing one or two pages a week.  He is thorough though.

Book 5 Plague Planet is slowly coming along. I do mean slowly, the other books were a lot easier to write than this one. This one is about 25% done. I've sometimes skipped around, writing bits into book 6 and 7 to keep working. (book 7 is the frosting, it's what everything is building up to) That should help finish them faster when I get to them. I've also jotted out some other ideas for stories, including a possible sequel/parallel story to Bootstrap Colony.

I think I need to do a bit more research into some of book 5's subject matter before I get too deep into it. That may take some time. Book 5 is a bit of filler, but it also sets up some characters and a planet for book 8 and some of the short stories. (and there is a cameo in it from book 1)

I think I'm getting carried away with all the tongue and cheek stuff. We'll see what you folks think of it when you get your hands on it. :)

In art news I've been working on the design for book 5's cover art, and I've been working on the shipyard, something I've wanted to do for over 10 years.

Oookay...  the blog wont let me post a pic. Strange. I'll try again later.

I want to thank all of you for pointing out my errors and being patient with me. I admit, synonyms are my downfall. Thanks J. Eaves for pointing a few out. By the way any relation to the John Eaves of Star Trek fame? If so I'm a big fan! lol

So, to summarize, there are books in the pipeline but it's out of my hands folks, thank you for your interest and hopefully something will be finished soon!


  1. I would be happy to do a first time go through of the manuscript for you if that would be helpful. I may not get all of the puncuation errors but i'm usually good on the spelling ones.

  2. Synonyms are my downfall. I'm getting a little better with puncuation, I run each manuscript through a series of screens I wrote and then run 2 different spell checks before I pass it on for proof reading. If you are serious about it though, lets talk.

  3. I've done proofreads for three novels so far. I find one or two pages a day astoundingly slow. Either you're the most patient author I've ever heard of, or a really good friend. Of course those aren't mutually exclusive.
    If you're looking for proofreaders I volunteer. :)

  4. Mechmaster is a good friend, (he is another Chris) and terribly busy with his own projects. He does a lot of volunteer work with the mecha and Dalek communities as well as his own graphic novel and other projects. His current shipyard project is already well beyond my own. lol
    He and I are considering colaborating on several projects, including another comic or book. He wants to book. :)
    Volunteers can e-mail me at Hechtlnjekyll at aol um ahem... and you know the rest. (trying to avoid the spam bots.)
    Pay is meager but you will get first dibs at reading my latest missives. :) I warn you there are a lot of books in the pipeline, if you are good (and fast) I may bug you a lot. I may even pick your brains for ideas. lol
    I've got 23+ books planned for the Engineer universe, all in various levels of completion. Then of course there are tons of other projects including a Terminator Salvation book I submitted to Titan publishing but never got word back on. Grr.

  5. I would love to help edit the engineer universe books, waiting on book 4? Will soon review the books on the Amazon. Thanks

  6. I must say its been a while since any one series of books kept me on edge and yours definitely has me waiting and Looking forward to Ghost Station. I have done some proofreading in the past as well as Graphic Design, if you need another set of eyes I am willing...

  7. Thanks for the responses!
    Ghost Station has been proof read once, I am making the necessary corrections before I pass it on to someone else. I'm hoping it will be back in my hands and MAYBE yours by the end of the month!


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