Wednesday, November 27, 2013

13 Degrees.... in 10... 9...

Sorry for the delay!

I goofed on the spelling of 'Separation' (separation) on Amazon, I'll correct it shortly.
The manuscripts have been uploaded, again, sorry for the formatting on B&N. Amazon should have it ready in 12-48 hours. Hopefully sooner. B&N said not until tomorrow sometime.

I'll post an update here when it goes live.

Have a good T-day everyone!

EDIT: And we are Live! Blast Off!

And now I get to cook dinner and hope we can figure out how to fry the birds without the experts here to do it. Hopefully I have eyebrows tomorrow.


  1. Whoo hoo, something to read over the holiday!

  2. IF they finish processing it. Sorry, I got tied up in carpet cleaning and other stuff.
    I also keep miss spelling Seper (see? did it again!) I mean Separation. Grrr.
    Gotta fix that.

  3. Great, Bought it, and looking forward to read it ... :)

  4. I enjoyed the book, but the pirate's bane snippet was a tease. A Mean cliffhanger.

    1. Thanks. I literally wrote that in PB then copy-pasted it into 13 Degrees right after. Of course, PB is done now, but running through the editing process.

  5. I have an idea for a spin-off...A marine General or Admiral that got turned Sleeper.

    1. Write it then! I had an idea and i emailed Chris asking if i could make a story and he said sure, just keep me in the loop. I would think that he wouldn't mind if you do it ether.

    2. The Wandering Engineer time period focuses on the Rho sector of the Milky Way. It is a big galaxy, other sectors may have survived somewhat. (There are a few who are bugging me about the Dyson Spheres, you know who you are) So room for people as long as they don't interfere with my main plot. You can e-mail me or discuss it with the folks here or on the Facebook page and then let me know. I'll either give you stuff to help you, guide you through the process if I have time, or shoot you down. Most likely I'll try and guide you. :D

  6. I think 13 Degree's did a good job of filling in some things. Gave us a great look at what REALLY happened in some situations. I can't wait for Pirates Bane and some of the following books. I especially can't wait to see what happens on Kathy's World.

    1. Thanks.
      I'm going nutty buying stuff on sale at Renderosity and Daz for future covers and for other images/projects. I want to render a couple scenes from the other books if I have time and energy. :D
      BTW, sales on Amazon and B&N are cool too! :D

  7. bought it on nook some Stories are blank. Salvage, A Matter of Breeding, Leonardo, Yard Dogs, The adventures of Nohar Private investigator, and Cali and the wolves. Don't know if others had issue. I deleted and downloaded again and also tried other nooks.

    1. I don't know how similar the nook is to the kindle but I sometimes have to change my color settings for some story's as I read with white letters on a black background...Not sure if that is whats going on but might be worth a try.

    2. Sorry to hear that.
      I had a lot of trouble uploading to B&N. I ended up changing to DOCX format to get it to take. (it crashed with 'internal errors' every time I tried with my usual filtered HTML)
      Please refresh it and let us know how it goes.

  8. Lets hope all the B&N issues are cleared up for PB's launch.. it's all ready done and waiting to launch right?

  9. It still has a bit to go. Thomas said he'd get it back to me by Tuesday so I can do some touch ups and then pass it on to the next vic... I mean volunteer.
    BTW, texting withdrawal over, I've got my new phone! YES! (I am currently driving my sister and nephew nuts again) Muwhahaha

  10. ... Chris i don't like the sound of that..... is this a bout the Shitty phone comment?

  11. Since you know the story and have been ribbing me about it nonstop, I'm not going to dignify that question with a reply.
    Oh, wait, just did. lol Oopsie.
    Facebook seems to be getting interesting I see. Having fun speculating folks? lol
    Yes, the governor issue is a thorny problem. The question of who will sign up for the Federation next is fun. You'll see. :)

  12. Hahaha Sorry ill stop >:D, and yes the FB groupies are quite a thinking bunch aren't they?

  13. Yup. Some deep thought there. I may borrow a few ideas and concepts. I didn't get into the origins of Horath or it's current mindset before. Some of the talk sparked some ideas for me.
    I also finally got around to jotting out a rough timeline for Lagroose (still working on the spelling) and his Lagroose Industries. Let's just say he has a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. :D

  14. It is sad, I finished reading 13 degrees over the weekend and already getting Federation withdrawal. I am on my 5th re-read of Jethro 2 and starting back over the series. Any idea if PB will be out before Christmas? :-D

    1. lol
      I don't honestly know. Poon and Brandon both have PB now. Once they are finished it will go to Jory and Darion, then I'll add any last minute corrections, add the TOC and appendix, and then publish. By Christmas would be nice, but no promises at this juncture.
      I should be working on other stuff, but I keep getting shanghaied. Maybe next week I can dig up a short story or two, dust them off and dig in. :)

  15. loved the book but i did notice a little retcon with the prince family and kringer

    1. Yup, I jotted the story out and retconned a few details in Ghost Station. I cleaned it up a little, but not enough it seems. :)

  16. I have put my theory down that he has to be watching TV as he is writing in the facebook group. I think when shows come up he just has to incorporate them into the story somehow.

    1. A little of both actually, something will inspire me, or amuse me in book, movie, magazine, conversation, video game, or television form, and I have to see where it goes. :)

      Why do you think I had Mario and Luigi? :D

  17. Or maybe finished reading some old good books like peter pan.

  18. i saw references to anime in some of the books which was nice.
    i also enjoyed all of the short stories keep up the good work but dont drive yourself nuts over it ^_^

  19. Ah, the withdrawal symptoms.. time for another re-read of the series ;-)

    1. lol
      Are you guilt tripping me lady? :)
      FYI, Poon and Brandon passed PB back to me Tuesday and Yesterday. I combined their notes, made the necessary corrections, and then passed it on to Jory and Darion. It is in their hands now. No guarantees it will be out by Christmas. Maybe by the 1st, I don't honestly know.
      I hope Brandon feels better, recovering from bronchitis.
      I also hope my cousin gets better soon. Little 6 yr old Ryan slipped on an icey manhole cover and fractured his hip in two places. He's been released from the hospital but he has a bit of recovery time ahead of him.

    2. Do you have any comments on when the next Founding of the Federation or Bootstrap Colony book will be in the works? Eagerly awaiting PB.

    3. Guilt trip? Never! I would rather you be comfortable releasing PB when your ready..though it is hard not to be like a little kid: "are we there yet? are we there yet?" :-D I will just poke at Jory and Darion to get their read/edits done soon :-D I am sorry to hear about Brandon. Hope he feels better soon. Get lots of vitamin C! My thoughts are with your cousin. Hip problems are very hard to deal with!

  20. i know it may sound odd or you may have heard it before but i never quite understood who the xenos were despite rereading the series a few times, were they a completely independent race? or were that a faction of another race or humans who had gone fanatically xenophobic?

  21. Timothy: I had originally planned to jump back and forth between the 3 time periods. But the Wandering Engineer time period took on a life of it's own.
    I have a rough treatment for the BC sequel, but not much beyond that. I started "To Touch the Stars" a while back, I need to dust it off and get back into it. I also did a bit of work on "The First Terran Interstellar War" as well.
    My current plan is to finish GP (Ghosts of the Past) Thus wrapping up the current time period and then going back to fill in some of the blanks.

    Jordan: I've had a nebulous idea of the Xenos, they've changed a bit over the past couple of years. You'll get some answers in PB, but probably a lot more questions too.

    Jessie: lol
    Brandon is doing better, he'll probably pop in here eventually.
    Jory: He's 2/3rds done the first pass already. He's found very few errors. I think he's going to give it another read through... but I dunno. Ask him when he pops up here.
    Ryan: He's a good kid, I've unfortunately never met him, but from what my uncle said, he's on the mend. :)

  22. Jory mentioned on the Federation FB that he would be doing at least three read throughs. So more power to him lol!

  23. Hey,

    so I habe done my first read through which was as ever a quick one to get a feel for the plot-
    First off, I believe you won't be disappointed by the book and plotline. I weren't.

    As said I will only look into the logical flaws as something like spell checking and grammar is really above my head here on. There is the one or other one there which, when I find them, I will let Chris know about.

    Now I have some flaws which I will bring to the attention of Chris and I will try to get my second and third run on the book be done quickly.

    But as I have the last work week now and must get my years end workforce been closed I will not get this done before X-Mas most likely but as far as I see it now I would await a release in the first half of January latest.

    Of course, that than depends of if and how Chris wants to install the parts I am presenting him with.

    Personally I must say for me it is the best one so far in the series. It has some flaws IMO but they are mostly minor where something should be elobarated more.

    I won't go into it now further as than I would have to explain something by spoiling it..

    Darion X

  24. Good deal. I know how the end of year work goes. Either your free and have lots of time, or your the only person when there is usually 6 people. Though was really hoping to get PB for a christmas present. Oh well, I would rather Chris be happy with the work than release it before its time. We will just do some more speculating on weapons on the Military FB. :-D

  25. Ok, I send out the first mail with stuff to Chris some minutes ago. Tomorrow I will go into a more deep re-read of the story looking for small stuff not really noticeacle to me on a quick read.

    My brain will go in overdrive the next two weeks to the point I will not see any further misconception any longer.

    Will be hard but I said I would do it so I will now do it. No way back.

    As said for me so far it is the best story. When you have read it you will understand why. And yes, I know, that is evil of me to say as you still have to wait.

    But in Germany we have a saying:
    Vorfreude ist die beste Freude. Anticipation is the best enjoyment.

    As said I don't await a release before January only gotten my hand on the books Thursday morning.
    I will get on it tomorrow for the second round, today I am to tired. I have not sleeped alot the last two days because of work and reading the book.

  26. Jory has been doing the same type of tease on the FB network. :-D So your not alone. It does wet our appetites more. We appreciate you doing the read through for logic and Chris for sticking with the writing through the holidays :-D (inspite of nephew and family invasions.

  27. You find something about it in the *Because I can* part further down the list

    should be the link s far as I understood that. Not sure as I am not on FB. I don't give some company data for free to live on I am fighting my government to have at all.

    If there would be a closed website that would be one thing but a FB side is out for me, so I can't give you more here on, but some more is as said in that blog space below.

    Darion X

  28. Yeah, I sometimes wish I had never made a facebook account. I haven't filled out most of the information they ask about you just because I think you have to be almost crazy to do so. A lot of that ends up being the same thing that is like security questions for stuff like bank accounts. I think identity thieves must love the facebook lol.

  29. As said I will not go there for me it's like a spiderweb. If you are been caught - no way out.

  30. I have left most of the questions unfilled even though facebook tries to get me to fill out my profile. Dorian gave the corrrect FB link. Jory Gray is the owner of the group page.

    1. Yup. Jory asked me and I approved.
      News: Still working with Poon and Darion on fixes. Jory passed PB back to me, so as soon as they are done with their additional read throughs and I've gotten the corrections in, I can move to the final stages and publish the book.
      If I don't get shanghaied to go shopping again. ...Which I am, today, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday....

    2. I wouldn't say i own it, i more just manage it

  31. We are quite an imaginative group. Though not easy to stay on the main thread topics LOL!

    1. We do tend to veer off topic sometimes.... ok well....

    2. ROFL
      Been there, been accused of that many a time. Eventually though, we all get back on track. albeit, by a round about route. What's that saying? About it's the journey that matters, and the adventures there, than reaching the destination?

  32. There you go. That should be the Federation Military Network's FB moto. Hehe!

  33. I was reading Plague Planet again this week, and all the problems with medical nanites and replicators that the Admiral had in several books made me wonder if he is going to try to become a doctor any time soon...

    1. Okay, I finally need to insert my 2 cents worth in here.
      In order for Irons to become a medical doctor he would have to not only pass the book knowledge, but perform time in a residency just like a normal doctor, even if it was in a clinic. He'd also have to pass the ethical test... which is highly improbable he would after some of the things done during the Xeno war.
      But, I have other plans for him. You'll be able to read some of it hopefully soon. Poon and Darion are running down on major plot errors. If they don't scare up any more I'll move to the final phase of publishing. No, I don't have a time table however.

  34. Doctor Irons..... i wonder if he fights Anemia?

  35. Jory: Bad, but good joke. Took me a couple rereads to get it, but definitely got a startled laugh out of me!

  36. I think with Iron's already having 3 doctorates he has earned the title of Dr. Irons lol.

  37. Happy Holidays Chris! How goes PB editing? Hope you and your family are doing well and having fun shopping for you clan :-)

  38. When will pb be out and happ holidays to all :)

    1. Happy Holidays one and all.
      Darion and Poon are each in their 3rd round of editing. Darion is up to chapter 8 so it will be a while. My hope of getting the book published before Christmas is mostly wistful at this point. Maybe before the 1st. I hope. (Fingers crossed)
      It's okay, we're steadily improving it, and hopefully plugging most of the minor bugs. From what I've been told, it's the best yet. :)
      Jory is also coming along with his short story. From the sound of it, it is growing a lot, and may have an impact on the main plot of future books...

    2. It might... if i ever get time to write!! dam 14 hour shifts 7 days a week

  39. I am, as Chris wrote with Chapter 08 and as english is not my first language that is not so easy for me to do. Sometimes I really have to re-read a prargraph three/four times to be sure I understand this correctly and sometimes I need to ask for an explanation.

    But overall I am make good now as the points are mostly minor or at least one partically.

    Hope will get eh next chapters been done in the evening but looking for logical flaws is really heavy work, must more than you would think from the outside, but I believe it will be a big hitter therefore in the end.

    I would think it takes as long as it takes but therefore you will really get the best ine your have seen so far in the ENGENEERs-VERSE.

    Personally I believe to wait for a day or two more to get the best possible here will not be a lost time. The book is really the best so far to me and I believe at the moment we give it that extra little bit.

    But I agree with Chris, hopefully we will get it done with a release date 2013. Not sure but at the moment I would say, it looks good.

    Darion X

  40. We would love if u release a 1-2 chapter snippet while we wait to the book. This will surely whet the appetite of your fans.

    1. I have a couple of other things in mind. :) I may post 1 today or both definitely tomorrow.

  41. Short update. I send in the last chapter to Chris a minute ago for re-check. There is only one point left I will go over tomorrow as I think we speak alongside each other here.

    So if nothing big came up from Poon I think a release by 2013 is a clear possibility - except Chris has other pending matter (family etc) for the time being.

    From my side it looks good.



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 Yep.      About:   The Federation is finally ticking along as things start to come together. The Tauren war is over in the west, the Fede...