Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The First AI War launches in 3...2...1...

Here we go! came through and we have lift off! I just finished uploading the book. As soon as it publishes I will add links here and update the Amazon Author page.

The First A.I. War

   On August 4th, 2200 civilization in the Sol star system changed forever. A hacker unleashed a virus of unprecedented power and malevolent intelligence to insidiously take over Earth's electronic network.

    But sapient life was not doomed. Athena, the A.I. created by Lagroose Industries sprang to the defense of all life even as Earth was wracked by nuclear weapons. Even as the mushroom clouds rose in the sky and the cities fell the survivors must find a way to survive while the spacers got organized to find a way to end the war.

   Jack Lagroose and his family are on the forefront of that effort. Jack will stop at nothing to make certain civilization survives. New soldiers are needed for a new war, and a new government must be formed to lead them. Will the Spacers unite to get it done?

If you doubt it, then you don't know Jack!

Woot Woot!

Edit: Amazon here!

And Amazon Germany here!

And... on the Nook here!

Fair warning, it is a looong read! Enjoy!


  1. It is out on amazon.
    Shit Chris it says it is running 800+ pages this time.

    1. Actually Chris. I have a long plane trip around Thanksgiving. If you think you could get another book out by then. I would appreciate it.

    2. Ayeyup, sorry, some people complained because I went short on BL and previous books. This one ran longer than I'd intended. A lot of stuff in there.
      And um, I hate to tell you this, but Pirate Rage is huge! Already 495 real pages, which translates to 900+ pages probably, and I've still got 6+ chapters left to write...

    3. Let them complain. Long books are good. This way I get some sleep because I do not even try to read the books in one go(only interrupted by work).

    4. Note that the author has the final say. I was one that was a little disappointed by the length of BL. I read very fast so I prefer longer books in general. That said when I went back to each of the "stopping" places in BL I tried to think if Chris continued at this point where could he have stopped next? what I came up with added at least 250+ pages. Since I am not the author I have no idea whether the new proposed stopping point could be done in the page count I thought it could.

      So upon further consideration I would have to agree with every stopping point Chris chose in BL.

      And Chris instead of the next book by Thanksgiving try for Christmas. Only don't tell us that you sent it off to goodlifeguide. Just put up an announcement when you published it and say something to the effect of "This is your X-mas present from Irons and Sprite. She snuck past me and put the finished book up before I could say anything was coming. That little pranking sprite."

    5. I love the idea. Let's see if I and the Betas can make it happen.
      I just finished the rough climax today. I've got 4 more chapters and the epilogue left, then I do my own editing pass and send it on to the betas. Once I do lean on them to get through it while doing a thorough job. :D

    6. If A) I knew who the betas were and B) had anyway of getting ahold of them I just might. And Chris you do realize that I meant for it to be posted on something like the 20th of Dec. right?

      On another topic in one of the books (probably one of the short stories) could you publish at least part of a tech bible for the books? Answering questions like the difference between different classes of fusion plants/replicators, antimatter plant classes (if they have different classes), how efficient are fusion plants (depending on the series I have seen every thing from only 10% {human built} to 98% {another alien race who eventually shares the tech with humans}), to a listing and definition of the different ship classes and their roles, to a listing of the different classes of hyper generators (there was a mention in FG of the freighters only have a class 1 hyper generator which implies there are other classes), to just what is this Stargate and Dyson Sphere that Irons worked on?, etc. I realize that some of this can be coming up in the forthcoming books so you don't want to spoil the surprise but having a Ironsverse (for lack of a better term) companion to the series would be nice.

    7. Lol
      You can talk to some of the betas here or on FB. Minion Mike is Mike Kotcher. You can read his books too. He and Jory manage the FB group.

      20th: lol Funny. I just finished the 1st draft of PR, and just finished the first spell check pass. I have pages of notes to go over and add. Some are minor tweaks... others are ugh. Plus Darion sent me 2 pages of fixes for the first 2 chapters...

      Tech bible: You are essentially talking about the wiki. That was what I wanted to do with the wiki, that way I can put pics up, etc. My tech bible and some of the other notes are now out of date. They also use place holder material. I need to update that. lol
      Anyway, eventually we'll get the Wiki sorted out. (Jory, the other betas, and myself) I'm just too distracted (read lazy or busy, take your pick) to get into it.

    8. Well if you want help updating the wiki I usually have 3-4 hours every couple of days to spend doing it.

      20th: :) I could have said something like 2359 on the 24th but I thought I would be nice and let you spend that time sleeping or with your family. ; (I will actually be at midnight mass with my grandfather).

      FB: I don't do the FB. That is just not something that interests me. Even as much as I enjoy your books it is just not enough to overcome that lack of interest in FB.

      As for the Ironsverse companion Have you read the Black Dagger Brotherhood by J. R. Ward? In the middle of the series she put out a companion book ( In it was insider information on the Brotherhood, their dossiers, stats, and special gifts. Also in there are interviews with each member of the Brotherhood, how she writes each installment of the series, and even a interview of the author conducted by the Brotherhood. That had me in stiches for 30 minutes I was laughing so hard at it.

  2. Here the link to amazon Germany:

    As soon as I'm finish with my current book I'll read this.

  3. Great Book, waiting for the follow up.


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