Sunday, February 5, 2017

Desperate Defense Cover

Okay, I've been a bit lax on updating the blog again.

I finished the rough draft of DD last weekend. It is now in the hands of the betas. I did the cover art Monday and Tuesday. There are some minor things going on with it I'm debating on fixing in post.
I'm not that picky though, so I might leave it as is. (IE lazy)

   I've been working on various print projects including a big one all week. And yes, Duncan's gremlins struck a few times, including yesterday. (thanks! grrr) I had 2 days of blissful near perfect printing days before they showed up to rain on my parade.
  I fixed it though, it is back up and running. I've learned a lot in fixing this thing, and my confidence in making repairs (bush fixes) has climbed steadily.
Here is the first big project "completed". It is an animatronic Sabertooth cat. I am using it as the basis of another project. I built the original to test the printer and to get a handle on how it works.
   Some of the sharp eyed folks in the audience might notice that there is a strut sticking out the front. That's because the press fittings hate me. (the feeling is reciprocal) Upon finally getting it together (after weeks of trying and breaking it each time) I broke it again as I tried it. The handle broke, the stand leg broke, and a couple fittings popped out or broke.
  It has taught me to not use press fittings. I hate them with a passion now. Real hardware is in, press fit parts are out.

It is neat seeing it all together though. We'll see how the big project looks and turns out.

I may have shot myself in the foot and bought another printer last night. I dunno. I am trying to cancel the transaction now that I've had time to research it. (buyers remorse is only part of the problem)
See, I was cooking dinner last night and went to fill out another Warranty request when the wiring harness broke (I said I fixed it today though right?)... well, I saw this:
I want a printer that can print flexible filament and according to what I saw on the flex filament page that printer does the job. So, I got ahead of myself and went with the deal.

... only to find out that the printer is:
1: refurbished. Because it is not popular
2: older design than mine, not newer as I'd thought.
3: it can ONLY use their filament. Period.
4: it has no WIFI!! I need that. My printer is in another room. That one has to be in that room or the garage! I have a desktop!
So, yeah, bad Chris. Bad. Sigh. And they refuse to cancel the transaction. Ugh.

Oh, yeah, anyone know what FedEx's problem is? The print manufacture sent me a replacement part. They are 50 miles away. FedEx took the package to LA, then flew it to Memphis TN, and now it is on a truck back here! Yeah, seriously not kidding here. It is too stupid to make that up...


  1. Chris what is the new book about. 1st founding of the Federation Jack Largossa book? So spelled his name wrong

    1. Desperate Defense is part 1 of a duology, The First Terran Interstellar War. I just started book 2, Waking the Sleeping Giant today. Yes they are a part of the Founding of the Federation timeline. Yes, Jack Lagroose is in them.

      The lead in to DD is in Cornerstone.

      I had originally planned them as 1 book, but I've had complaints about the length of my books, and I want to try to see if I can get 1 or both into print.

  2. Sorry Chris but I have no control over them. I DID NOT send any attack orders. You might have gotten to close to them so they might have done a distraction strike but if so it was only on their authority in response to your actions.

    1. Uh huh.
      You know you put me in this sort of position right?
      I don't drink beer but you get the point. I was like that trying to put the Saber together too. :P

  3. A book is too long? Who the hell would complain about that? Fricking Millennials, failed parenting and short attention span. Short attention span's where never okay till George W Bush was president then everyone was like if the president cant focus on giving a national security briefing with out trying to stop to pet the kitty then it is okay for me to.

    Who ever complain about books being to long check out Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series you will love it very brief.

    1. I know! I thought I was giving a good bang for the buck. Apparently too much of a good thing?

      In other news, I've finished 3 chapters and the introduction to Waking the Sleeping Giant.
      Also, I tried but couldn't return the printer and filament. I guess I'm stuck with it. I've worked through the anger and various stages of grief. (no, no crocodile tears, I really didn't want it) I've come up with a plan to use it and hopefully get around some of the limitations.

      I know one thing, I don't want to ever do business with that company again. 6 emails, 7 phone calls and they tell me that "they were more efficient since business was slower after the holiday, which is why they processed the order so quickly."
      Oh, and "once a process is started it cannot be stopped."
      So, they are saying business is slower, but they can't answer emails or a phone to cancel an order??? GRR.

      Anyway, dinner is about to burn. Later.

    2. Actually yes this has always been one of my complaints about his works. But this criticism is being taken out of context. What I said was..

      5. Book Length. Your books are too long. I know I can hardly believe I am saying that but its true. I LOVE that I can get a 900 page book from you as the same price as the next guys book that is only 250 pages. As a business practice that is not what you want. You are basically selling your work for 1/3 of what everyone else is charging. Want to make more money? Write shorter books more often. Enemy of my Enemy was 741 pages long, that is two books of material by any other author and should have been by you. Stop short selling your work. I would gladly pay the same amount your charging now if the books came out faster even if they were shorter.

      What i DONT want is for Chris to STOP writing and he cant do that is he is breaking even or not making enough to write full time. The simplest and quickest solution is to write shorter books more often as well as raising the price to 4.99.

    3. Hi,
      Sorry, you fell through the cracks. Yes I am writing shorter books, at least with the Founding books. I am not sure about raising the price again though.
      I am exploring printing a book but so far I don't like Amazon's costs so I haven't taken it far.

  4. Chris,

    Not sure how you paid for it but contact your credit card and see if you can cancel charge and return it. Even if you have to pay a restocking fee then whatever. Your Credit Card Company should have dispute option available.

    1. Hi Soren,
      I tried that. They refused. I thought about it and decided to eat it. I'm using the printer now, my Pro blew a fitting. I'm printing a small gift for my sister since yesterday was her birthday. We're headed over there so I can install a light and help get ready for the party. :)

      WtSG sitrep: I've finished 9 chapters so far. I've skipped around a bit. I was working on chapter 12 but dad's hovering and giving off long suffering sighs. (rolling eyes)


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