Monday, May 27, 2013


First off, Happy Memorial Day! We salute our men and women in the armed forces who have given their lives so this country and it's freedoms shall live. Thank you for your time and sacrifice. You will forever be in our hearts and memories.

Okay, I've been, well, not really writing, but I have been taking advantage of the cool weather to render, at least in the mornings. I've rendered the Afraid of the Dark aliens:

Sorry it's so long, I'm relearning MS Movie Maker.

As well as the Marines from Valenko's Squad in Jethro Goes to War:

I just finished putting that together and uploading it. See? I am getting better. :)

I've also been rendering the Federation aliens, most are untextured. I'll upload those later. Right now I am focusing on the aliens that lack fur or feathers. I have 19 finished, with quite a few more to go. Most may end up being shelved.
I can only render in the morning, when the temperature in the house is below 72. Anything above that and I start setting overheat alarms off, even with my liquid cooling. So I try to get as many done as possible in the morning.

I've also been working on texturing and rigging Jethro in his Marine Skinsuit. I'm having issues getting the rigging to turn on, so I'll work on that later. I am planning on making his powered combat armor soon. (the skinsuit was going to be it, but it's too much like the Halo Mjolnir suit in some respects for me to use it. I always thought of the suit as bulkier.) I'll need to make the suit for the cover of First to Fight. :)

Progress reports:
Brandon has AD, he said he's 1/3rd or 1/2 finished. (I'm not sure at this point, I forgot)
Jim has PP, no progress reported.
Thomas has been having fun with my short stories, including the old ones I've managed to dredge up for him to edit while I putter around in Cinema. lol
Mechmaster said he is 1/3rd finished PRI, despite a terrible bout of stomach flu. I'm glad he's better.

I am hoping a book will be ready to publish by the end of the month, but I have grave doubts. We'll have to wait and see what the week brings. Don't hold your breath though.

I have been talking with a couple of friends about renewing a video game making studio. It's just talk, we have done it before and haven't gotten far beyond that, though we've tried a few times. I'd love to see some of video game ideas (like AD) made real. (or as real as video games get, lol)

If I don't have any more family drama/distractions I should get back into writing and other things tomorrow.
Uncle Richard is stable though he had to go through a series of brain surgeries. He's lost his memory of the past 3 weeks. It's going to be a long road to recovery, but from the reports he's back on it.
I'm still campaigning for dad to go out to NH this summer to see him and the family. I'm not making much headway though. Sigh.

Have a safe holiday!


  1. Chris, is there an approved way to get in touch with you off-this-page?

    -_ Rick Boatright

  2. Sure, Hechtlnjekyll at aol you know the rest.
    I'm dealing with some family issues so I may not respond right off. Sorry about that.


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Lowering the Hammer has published!

 Yep.      About:   The Federation is finally ticking along as things start to come together. The Tauren war is over in the west, the Fede...