Monday, June 2, 2014

Multiverse 1

   Rea at Goodlifeguide got the manuscript back to me yesterday. I poked around with it, added the missing bits, then a few minutes ago I pulled the trigger and sent it back to GLG for the final formatting. I expect it back in the next 7-10 business days, if not sooner!
So, maybe this week... most definitely by next weekend! (the 14th)
EDIT: Oops! Shelley just corrected me and said "I've added the book to the que. You'll have it by or on the 17th". My bad. She's pretty good at getting it back quick though...
That is all... you can return to your regularly scheduled mayhem! :)


  1. Yeaheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Good work Chris Looking forward to a on a plane trip read.

  2. Will their be a follow up to 13 degree's or is Multiverse its replacement?

    1. I was going to say apples and oranges but it's not that simple. 13 degrees was the short stories for the Wandering Engineer time period of the Federation universe. Yes there will be other short story books, I've got stories for the other time periods either written, half written or outlined. Dozens of them. Um... 31 for the Founding time period...26 in the Gottenburg time period... and 22 for another time period. And those are just the ones I've got so far! More can pop into my head at anytime between now and when I finally get back to writing them!
      As far as Multiverse... yes, that's why it's Multiverse 1. There is already a 2 planned, and possibly a 3 in the wings. Multiverse is everything. Fantasy, scifi... all sorts of universes. 1 will have mostly Metalwar stuff, but some Federation stories at the end to give those who need it a quick fix... :)
      Second Chances Update: Up to ... 387 pages as of now. (right now, I just took a break) I'm trucking along, picking up pace but I know that all stops tomorrow and Saturday...

    2. Oops, I meant no, it's not the replacement. My bad. lol

  3. Chris on the subject of formatting I read J3 on my iphone using the amazon kindle app, but there were a lot of instances where complete lines of text were cut off at the bottom of pages. I had to keep keep changing the spacing setting back and forth to see the missing sections. Is this something GLG could look at?

  4. I talked with Shelley at Goodlifeguide about this a couple months ago. Unfortunately she doesn't do device specific formatting. I don't know if anyone does. She formats for 9 publishers and they then convert the file from there for the devices. Sometimes it looks good... and other times there are issues. Sorry.


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