Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Semper Fidelis

I finished Semper Fidelis last Tuesday and passed it on to the betas. If any Betas want to have a go at it, let me know. It's open for the next 10 days. :)
Here is the cover:
  Yes this is the insignia of the Space Marines. I had the American continents overlaying the Milky Way but took it out. The ship is the Cutlass class, revised by me. The real model is a destroyer you can find on Renderosity.
  The eagle is a 3D scan I picked up from Thingiverse. I tried to contact the maker but I may have to leave a comment to do so. I've considered making my own version in Sculptris but I think I'll roll with this. I've cleaned it up, smoothed it, and tweaked it a bit.

About the book:

Semper Fidelis: Always faithful/loyal.

For the Space Marines of the Federation, it wasn't just a saying; it was a tradition of honor and courage going back centuries.
For the Space Marines of the New Federation, it was something to live up to. Colonel Pendeckle has to deal with the frustrations of Shipping Out. Colonel Harley has similar issues, but she also has to deal with a Marine who has sullied his honor.
Colonel Kodiak has to deal with his first planetary invasion against a tough opponent while also trying to win over the natives. Meanwhile on Agnosta, Captain Lewis and his wife Hanna Clarke learn that some battles do not end on the battlefield and that sometimes it seems easier to fight even when you are safe.
The Marines and the crew of Ark Royal are going to get more than they bargained for when the planet they were sent to conquer sends of delegates to 'negotiate terms.'
Lieutenant Quinn is given an impossible task, one she has no intention of walking away from. The honor of the corps demands blood. It won't be just from the Marines by the time she's done though!

These and other stories explore the worlds of the New Federation as the Space Marines try to relearn old traditions and create new ones....

   I've been trying to catch up with my "Vacation To-Do List." I don't think I know how to take a break for long anymore. lol I'm making slow but steady progress on a few fronts. Most noticeably on my animatronic project, though things are going to come to a head tomorrow.
   I dunno if I'll get around to more figurine sanding and painting this week though. And the itch to write has already started in, I blocked out 2 more short stories for Multiverse 3 and I've dived into 1 of them. I keep getting drawn into it to add details and clean up what I've already roughed out. lol Like I told Wayne, I don't think I know how to take a break anymore, even writing it seems.
  I have been getting caught up with doctors stuff. I went in because I hurt my right arm in July and she's ordered everything but tests for it. (I have more blood work this morning too) You'll be happy to know I'm cancer free for the moment. What that and these new blood tests have to do with my arm I don't know. :P

Jethro 9 Snippet 3

  Chapter 3   Antigua   Jethro continued to deal with the pain of loss of Lil Red. Shanti continued to blame herself. Both had bee...