Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Turning Tide is publishing now!

The Turning Tide is now publishing. It should be live within the next 6-72 hours depending on the platform.

War rarely ever turns on a single series of events. But there is a sense, a feeling you get when the war changes. When the tide turns in your favor or against it.

Admiral Irons and the Reborn Federation believed the tide was shifting in their favor when Admiral White took Second Fleet into the Dead Drop star system. But the hand of fate is fickle, He was driven out by the untimely arrival of Horathian reinforcements. Second Fleet narrowly escaped the trap they had found themselves in.

Now the Federation must scramble again to reinforce his fleet while also dealing with news on other fronts. The Horathian Empire continues it's march into darkness with the determination to bring the entire galaxy down with them in the process.

One must be aware of the flow of the tide, how it ebbs in and out. Times are changing as the Tide Turns once more...

On Amazon:

Thanks Han!

And here it is on B&N:



  2. Chris the afterword says you're working on the first Pi book.

    1. Yes I finished the second act this morning. In Search of Pi, the first of the Pi series.

    2. Ok, it's a Separate series.

  3. Hi
    I have enjoyed enormously the book and wrote about it.
    Thank you for the effort.
    The new book is Pi chapter of the series or something new?

    1. Hello,
      Thank you. Please post a review.

      The new book is focused on events in Pi. It is in the hands of the first tier Betas.
      It is another side series. You saw a chapter in The Turning Tide near the end. (The Io 11 chapter)

      I have a second book planned and I'm considering diving right into it.

  4. I have to say, the way the Bek situation and officers were handled with kid gloves ticked me off. Everybody else has to shape up, but they get away with so much? All of the bull they get away with, when you have everyone else jumping through hoops... I have to say, the lack of follow through there especially with the ONI situation, the way they treat AI, and how the Bekians get away with literal murder, incompetence, and treason. It burns me. (You have how Mayweather is tarred with her failure, how screw-ups linger and haunt everyone else, but the Bekians walk on everything they do, especially the way Logan was treated- hitting Irons' hot button? The shut up and soldier vibe that the series espouses just seems to apply to everyone but the Bekians and Nuevans, and it doesn't balance. There is no balance character wise, and it is hurting the story.)
    I am enjoying the series again, but this is irritating. You have spent literal books building up the situation, and the lack of resolution is so anticlimactic it pulls away focus and the building of tensions of the battles and climax.

    I hope I am being vague enough, and waited 2 weeks to post this. Sorry if this feels harsh, because the way you handled the battles and the logic and politics of Horath has been awesome.
    There really needs to be labels for perspectives, too. I got lost wondering what the heck I was reading at points- horathian or federation.

    1. Hi,
      Yeah, 1-2 of the Betas have said similar things.
      I haven't focused on the aftermath in Bek yet. That will come up in HH3.
      Yes the Bekians get away with dragging their feet and problems with A.I. That is something that will need to be addressed.

      One thing I try to do is illustrate the characters as imperfect. Everyone makes mistakes and has blind spots or other issues. Hopefully in time they'll evolve and address them.

  5. The afterward also says you are working on Scout. Which series will that take place?

    1. Scout was the working title for In Search of Pi.


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Jethro 9 Snippet 1

 Sitrep: So, all of the betas are done with J9 and I sent it off to Rea Saturday. So, here is the first snippet!     Antigua Chief War...