Thursday, August 2, 2018

Liberty or Death is publishing NOW!

Okay, sitrep:
1 I finished Full Circle and it is in the hands of the first line Betas. If any other Betas wants it, let me know. The first draft of the cover is also done.

2:I watched Ready Player One. I had only a vague idea about what I was getting into when I got the Blu-ray. I actively avoided trailers, having mistakenly initially written the movie off as some odd time travel story.
I had a blast. not knowing the trailer meant it was all fresh. Seeing all of the stuff in it had me giddy and bouncing around. I loved it.

 Edit: I watched Valerian last night. Visually kinda cool, it reminded me of all the fun stuff at Daz3d come to life. In some ways it reminded me of my books. Not as much as Ready Player 1 did though.
There were some glaring plot holes.
Spoiler alert: Like the big climax where the ship blasts its way out of the center of the habitat. You've got thousands dead there and a hole to space. A hole that had flaming walls (no oxygen!) and a bunch of people still breathing. (Including the bad guy literally hanging around!)

3: I'm making some progress on the StarCraft diorama despite the heat. More on that later.

4: EDIT: I forgot to upload the spinner of the Sargasso space station. I just did.

And the big news:

GoodLifeGuide managed to blow through the manuscript in shocking speed despite being on vacation. Wow! So, I just finished publishing it.

  Freedom is a wonderful thing to some. To those who wish to rule through power and fear, it is against everything they stand for.
  The Horathian Empire had been beaten back to it's outer reaches but is not defeated. The Federation has momentarily exhausted it's resources to get to this point. Now, they must hold what they've got and rebuild while preparing for another attack.
  Admiral Irons had to rein in his people while moving forward with his own plans. The Federation was ever expanding and resources and people were beginning to become available. Given enough time they would forge a fleet as strong as the pirate's. It would also allow ONI and the resistance cells they were forging time to gather information and to errode support in the pirates.
  But, Admiral White has other ideas. He knows deep down what Napoleon most feared, giving an enemy time. Time to get their own reinforcements in. Time to dig in. Time to go on the offensive once more.
  Time also meant changes in the Horathian Empire, the Federation, and elsewhere. For Admiral White it just meant they had to do something, to move but not to go off half cocked has he had before. It was time for...

         Liberty or Death!

It should go live later today or tomorrow. As usual I'll post the links when they do. :)
Enjoy, and please post a review!


Wow Amazon's search engine sucks now!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. About 80% through the book and it is awesome so far.

    I am really starting to see a change in your writing style where you have stopped re-hashing tech explanations that you have already done in several books. Also you have cut way back on the paper pushing and these are the rules story bits and focused more on the getting shit done stuff. That is freaking awesome and makes for a lot less forced plot sections that in reality don't make sense. ie( you are fighting for your life but you can't build something because the T's are not crossed and the i's are not dotted, that does not work)

    In reality you find in peace time REMF's take over with the paperwork crap and the bureaucracy. However as soon as hostilities start there is usually a quick transition period were those REMF's are told to STFU and get shit done when the tactical people take over. Look at the career of G.S. Patton and you see how he struggled in peace time and then just excelled during WWII. There are quite a few of those stories about general's that were suffocating in peace and then war came at the right time allowing them to become the crucial people they become. I think you should do some stuff with some awesome tactician that really struggle under the rules and the establishment struggles what to do with them because they need them where they are. Maybe a forcibly retired Belkian that petitions to get back in and they barely do it but then he becomes amazing. Call him Commodore Hotpants (Just kidding😊 but maybe)

    Last thing, love the 3D station rendering. Would love those for the ships you have already done in 2D, they can be hard to see some of the pictures. If you decided to do this, please include objects to understand scale of ships. (Love to see the Fleet Carriers and the SD's) let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Also might setup a page to help support some of that.

    Last thing promise, I have heard you make several comments about you PC and keeping it cool. Send me an email with your setup and I can help you tweak it to fix this. Even in a 100 degree room you can still keep the PC cool enough to work if you do it right.

    1. Thanks Soren.

      I like some of your ideas.

      There are some renders on the wiki. I keep meaning to add to it. Mike and Jory have been after me to do more with the ships, even deck diagrams. lol
      I just did the torpedo cross section on a whim. It'll eventually be put up there. I SO want to do an animation with it!

      Heat: The PC is fine, it's me! I've got 5 fans in my PC and liquid cooling. It is running at 13.2c for the CPU, no problem there.
      My room is the one facing the sun. It bakes even with curtains, blinds, and a comforter over the window. The AC can only do so much, the same for a fan when it is 110 out.
      After a while the sweating gets to me, as does the ear ache and sinus problems from having the on me fan.

      I started writing Folklore btw but I'm already ready to shut down for the day. I did make some corrections to Fool's Gold and uploaded it to Amazon.

      Thanks again for the comment! Please post a review when you get a chance.


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Lowering the Hammer has published!

 Yep.      About:   The Federation is finally ticking along as things start to come together. The Tauren war is over in the west, the Fede...