Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 So, I bought a model from MSgamedevelopment over on and modified it into a few ships.

Oh, wait, let me back up. I needed the ship for the cover of Horatio Logan Chronicles 4, The Pi Effect:

The ships you see are the new Resolution Mark III class heavy cruisers.

Here is another look:

While I was at it I decided to make the other 2 ships in the library. The Newmann Mark III Battle Cruiser:

And the North Hampton Mark III Light Cruiser:

  The ships share the same silhouette as the mark II but are very different from the hull skin to the internals. The weapons and layouts are also different. Obviously I don't have massive lidar and radar arrays, and you don't see the massive force emitter pods everywhere. More on some of that in the upcoming books.

  I passed these images around to some of the Betas and Jory bit me with doing a video. I've done videos before but not in years. I'm puttering around with the idea now. As usual I bit off more than I can chew. I always get a bit ambitious. lol

  If I move forward with it to completion I'll have to render frame by frame when I'm AFK. That will probably take a month or 2. We shall see.

Oh, test shot:


Very dark yes I know. Very much in the early stages. I just have 2 work lights in the shot.

  I bought another fighter (as if I needed another one!) and a cockpit that were on sale Monday from CGpitbull at Turns out I can't use the cockpit as planned, it would need the HUD to be animated. Bummer. It will turn up in pics or even a cover art someday though, no worries.

  I did a Starcraft fleet pass once before. I never did get it to render right. Also a bunch of videos for a movie I started. When I ran into render issues with Cinema 4D (It doesn't like to render AVI for some reason)... and the long renders, I shelved it. (This was 8+ years ago)

 The project was called Starcraft Beachhead. I mixed SC and SC II models I had made into it.

   Come to think of it, I think I used the admiral model for my first Admiral Irons for the cover of New Dawn. Huh.


  Hopefully times have changed and I can get through this one. The Engineer universe Beauty Pass (working title) is currently blocked out at 2 minutes long. At 30 frames a second... render time per frame can be as high as 5+ minutes... yeah... you do the math, I'm cringing already. :P

In other news I sent Ashes, Tales of Ragnarok 2 to Rea this morning. You should see snippets posted here shortly.

Few! That's a lot of pics!

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