Sunday, August 6, 2023


The Schedule:

So, I'm a bit ahead of the game, I've gotten 4 books off to the Betas. I just sent 1, Multiverse 6 off to Rea.

For those in the know, they might be scratching their heads since that wasn't next on the schedule. Well, I made an executive decision and changed the schedule. Twice.

So, next up is: Multiverse VI

 There are 5 stories in there. 1 PRI story, 2 Federation/Engineer stories, and a few others. It is short but has some... well, you'll see!

I'm shooting to publish that book this month.

After that is Horatio Logan Chronicles 5 Beyond Pi;

Which is in parallel with Fortunes of War and will... well, you'll see. 😜

After that we have Academy:

Which is another collection of short stories of officers and some of their experiences as cadets.

Added into the queue is Multiverse VII which I finished last month:

Multiverse VII has 5 more stories, all scifi including 2 more Engineer/Federation stories.

After that we'll have the Roo Collective (Working title) novel. That one is a compilation of the Roo short stories in MV 5-7 with the ending of that saga tacked on. I'll be diving into that sometime this week.

After that will be Expanding Horizons, which is Pirate Hunt 3 (Irons) and then back to the schedule.

So, now you know what I'll be producing for the next oh, 5-6 months. 😏

I'll start posting snippets for MV 6 this week. (If I remember!)

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