Sunday, March 10, 2024

Expanding Horizons Snippet 2

 I received the manuscript back from Goodlifeguide this morning. So I will be publishing it soon.

On to the snippet!

Chapter 2


Senator Russell was briefed about the possible scouting mission. He of course passed it on to his circle of supporters and allies within the senate.

“We were already counting on cutting the navy’s budget with the end of the war. Now the damn Spirits sticking their head into things, and now this?” Senator Calliat demanded. She was new blood and had a lot of heat to go with her freshman status.

She had come to prominence recently after the successful rescue of the Cadre transport. That was how her domestic media back home was spinning it.

Senator Russell was dubious about the mission, but even more dubious about standing in its way. He didn’t want to be the one on record for getting in the way of something prudent only for it to bite him in the ass later. He hated I told you so’s and was still smarting from getting his hand slapped for diverting so much of the military’s budget to his pet Army friends.

“What do we do?” Senator Falconi asked. He wasn’t in it to block the scouting so much as to get some favors out of ending his own opposition to it. Those always came in handy later.

“The usual. Float some rumors about blocking it or not letting it get out of committee. Maybe even hold the entire military appropriation block up if we have to.”

“Ah? For?” Senator Falconi asked.

“For a briefing at the least,” Senator Russell stated. “We’ll play it by ear from there.”

The others nodded.


Vice President Jeff Randall as president of the Senate picked up on the flack going on through his staff. He was actually expecting it; it seemed that some people were just ornery. A block of senators had set themselves up as the opposition to whatever path the administration set out on. Two senators threatened to block any appropriation bill for the budget to scout the neighboring sectors. They were still wrangling over the issue with what the Spirits had said about energy and all that.

He shook his head. He understood the sentiment in theory; they were afraid that the navy would find trouble. Or they were just cynical enough to believe that the navy was trying to justify its high spending levels.

Either way it was within their right to demand a briefing from the navy over the subject and a plan. He passed on a mild email to Admiral Pashenkov to support the move.


Admiral Pashenkov was still trying to put the fires out when he received the demand for a briefing. “We’re still in the planning stage,” he commented when he was asked for an initial Admiralty reaction.

“Sir, do we send this to the president?”

“No. I don’t think this needs to rise to Admiral Irons’ desk just yet.”

“Yes, sir,” his AI replied.

He frowned as he looked out the window to the shipyard in the distance. He could see the flicker of lights as tugs and ships moved around in a coordinated ballet. He finally flicked his ears at his own reflection.

“Do we have a plan yet?”

“Send at least a division to each sector to scout while the local commanders set up a series of pickets, ansibles, and a naval base near the jump line, sir. It is rough but at the moment we don’t have more. We’re letting the local commanders know and let them choose the ships involved.”


“If we do it this way, they can get moving on the project sooner. We can wrangle the budget as they get ships moving.”

The wolf’s ears went flat briefly. “I know. If we waited until the politicians got off whatever stick they are on and let us do our jobs, it would be rather chilly in an infernal place,” he drawled in disgust.

“Yes, sir. The demand?”

“I hate giving into threats like that. But they have a point. Get our ducks in a row and then set up the briefing.”

“Yes, sir. Direct with you or with someone else?”

“Not directly with me. Find a captain and have them handle it.”

“Aye aye, sir.”


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