Thursday, June 1, 2017

Court-Martial snippet 1

First up, a sitrep:
-I got some stuff off my to-do list during my 'vacation', though I didn't get to the figurines, or to learning how to airbrush. Perhaps next time. I did make some progress with my animatronic project but not nearly as much as I'd like to see. I have a binding issue with the gears that I can't seem to figure out. I'm not very mechanically inclined so it is frustrating.
-I sent CM (Court-Martial) to Rea Tuesday. I expect it back sometime late next week or early the following week. Of course, I could be wrong, it's not that bad length wise. :)
Goodlifeguide usually also takes a week to 10 days, so expect the book to be published sometime in the middle of June.
-Third, I also started TGS The Gathering Storm Tuesday. I managed to get chapter 3 done. :) I'm bouncing around, I usually do that for the first week or so before I settle down. It is a bit further along than other books I have started over the years.
-Fourth: I hate the DMV! Gah! (rant time) I've had a problem with my ID for years. It says I am 5'7". I am, ahem, 6'4". Other stats are wrong. I finally decided enough was enough and booked an appointment to get it sorted out. I planned it for during my 'vacation'. The lines were insane! Even for the appointments! There were hundreds of people in the building, and the regular line snaked outside and around 1 corner of the building. When we got there I had 20 people in front of me for the appointment desk.
   I got in and out within an hour, so I was happy with that. A word of advice: Making an appointment is the only sane thing to do when dealing with the DMV. Or better yet, do it online.
   I was gratified to get my ID Tuesday... that was abnormally fast; but I was horrified by the picture. (I'm bald in it!) But, I was even more not amused to find they had also bollixed the stuff they were supposed to fix. I spent 3 hours getting bounced around between departments on the phone yesterday before they tried to get me to come in again to fix it. Needless to say I balked at that.
   So yeah, I'll try not to grumble about beaurocrats in TGS, but no promises. :P

On to the snippet!

Chapter 1

“This is Fleet Admiral John Henry Irons, president pro-temp of the Federation,” a familiar gravid voice said. Captain Clayton stared again at the broadcast as the decontamination team finished checking his ship over. Since he'd had nothing better to do he'd decided to replay the video that had started the entire mess.
“I come before you with grave misgivings over the situation in Bek and the deportment of some of the officers in charge there. Consequently, I have instructed Rear Admiral Logan to play this message upon his arrival in the star system. I now relieve Admiral Omar Childress of command.”
“I do this out of necessity since the admiral has refused to follow my orders and has placed Bek in a state of mutiny.”
“As I said, I do this out of necessity to protect the Federation, its civilian population, and the officers and enlisted serving in the Republic of Bek. Admiral Childress has refused to follow my lawful orders,” the admiral's image said sternly. “I do not make such decisions lightly. I regret this course of action but have been given no other alternative. Admiral Childress is to be relieved of his duty and placed under arrest pending an investigation. Orders to the next in the chain of command will follow through proper channels. This is Fleet Admiral John Henry Irons, President of the Federation, out.”
He turned his head to look at the Marine at the hatch. The ape was not one of Ilmarinen's own, but an intruder. An unwanted one he knew, but was wise enough not to say so. He felt like he was the one under arrest. It bothered him. It bothered him even more to see the techs scanning his people and going over his ship. At least they were no longer in contamination suits he thought. They'd wrung his ship and crew through the ringer over the past 6 hours. It had been tense, but they'd finally concluded Ilmarinen wasn't a threat. That was the little good news he had available at the time.
Just the way they had arrested Rear Admiral Logan, his thoughts paused as a new thought occurred to him. Or should he call him Commodore? The JAG, what was his name, Dauplin? Dauphlin? He'd insisted on calling him Commodore.
He shook his head. He wasn't certain how to play it, and that bothered him. He didn't like being like that, unsure of what to do, what was safe. He wasn't certain of anything except to keep his head down, his mouth shut, and to follow along. It was the only way he could think of to survive the crap that was coming. Obviously, Childress had not been relieved. That boded ill for the future. Ill indeed.
But, for the moment, everything was going to be on Logan's head.
As Rear Admiral Horatio Logan laid in his rack and considered what little he could do, a line came up on his HUD. A window opened without his access and he blinked in surprise. The surprise deepened into concern as he realized he was being interrogated by his own implant computer due to the confinement. He was curious initially, but then realized it was his security suite. That put things on a much darker tone he realized as his finger twitched the mouse over the line. Finally, he clicked on it. The interrogation came in the form of text questions. He knew his vital signs were being monitored to make certain he was telling the truth.
“Is this confinement due to an illegal action you took?”
“You are in confinement in the brig. You have been arrested by a JAG, though you were addressed by rank improperly. Prisoner protocols are in effect. Are the Xenos involved?” the dumb A.I. inquired. “Accessing ship's data network. No sign of Xeno infection.”
“That's good to know. No, there is no Xeno activity. I executed a lawful order from the President of the Federation, Fleet Admiral John Henry Irons. Upon initial completion of the first set of my orders I was immediately arrested. A state of mutiny is now in effect in the Bek navy,” Horatio typed, flicking his fingers over the virtual keyboard. He saw the guard outside his cell glance his way but ignored the look.
“Accessing recent logged orders...” It began to list them one at a time. A blinking curser waited between each line for a second. That was ominous; the dumb A.I. should be able to process such things in microseconds.
“Updated firmware package and promotion... confirmed. Note, special circumstances identified in regard to promotion via Ansible.”
He grunted and started to reply but the A.I. rolled on.
“Acknowledgment of receipt of orders from Admiral Irons confirmed.”
“Boarding Ilmarinen confirmed.”
“Arrival in the star system of Bek confirmed.”
“Ship transmission of IFF and broadcast recorded transmission from Admiral Irons relieving the current command administration... confirmed internally. Accessing ship's network.” Horatio's eyebrows rose at that. He was surprised that the A.I. could do so. He'd tried but he'd been locked out. His brows knit as data flowed in an open window for a moment, between his implants and Ilmarinen's computer network. “Ship's logs confirm transmission. Accessing communications files and arrest... Confirmed.”
“So, you believe me when I say there is a state of mutiny in the star system?” Horatio asked carefully, raising an eyebrow to the bulkhead above as he tucked his right hand under his head.
“No. That is not the function of this unit's programming. No Xeno actions detected. Piracy is unknown. Status of sophont is unknown. Legal status unknown. Vital signs are consistent with the belief that the subject truthful. Further determinations are not a function of this system.”
“Welcome to the boat,” Horatio said dryly. “Glad you could join.”
“Checking arrest record... you were charged but have not been brought before a convening authority. The charges are irregular. Have you been read your rights?”
Horatio wondered if that question was a test. He searched his memory for the arrest and frowned thoughtfully. Finally, he shook his head slightly. “No. I was informed I am under arrest and then handcuffed. I was then escorted to the brig.”
“Accessing vital signs and log. Confirmed.”
“Accessing... What is your current plan of action?”
“I'd like to complete my mission orders as specified but I have been denied that option. Currently I am in confinement awaiting interrogation. Most likely the mutineers will place me on trial or declare summary judgment against me.”
“Accessing... interrogation techniques vary. No physical interrogation has been initiated.”
“No. They'll start with a verbal one most likely. I believe they will stick to the UCMJ and use that against me as much as they can in a Kangaroo court.”
“Response logged. Warning, if the interrogation becomes physical suicide protocols will be triggered.”
“Frack,” Horatio muttered, closing his eyes briefly. “Let's hope it doesn't come to that.”
“Updating... New Rules of Engagement. You are authorized passive resistance only at this time. You are not authorized to begin physical resistance or an attempt to escape. The A.I. known as Mercury has been disabled. You may fight only to defend yourself. At all times your implants will be recording. These recordings can be used in your defense should it be required.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“In answering a question you may be evasive. If you choose to answer a question while under oath you must tell the truth. You may remain silent upon questioning as long as it does not violate the UCMJ. Under oath, you will give full and complete testimony. Is this understood?”
He nodded.
“A verbal or text acknowledgment is required for the record.”
“Are you going to help?”
“Something I am not too surprised about. On my own,” he muttered, staring at the cell door and the guard beyond.
“Have fun talking to yourself?” The guard drawled.
“You have no idea,” Horatio replied as he looked away.


  1. CA DMV. It's the Peoples Republic of California what were you expecting?

    We're talking about the state where over 100,000 government retirees are pulling over $100,000 each for doing nothing starting at the ripe old ager of 55. Did I mention full health for the retiree and spouse? Their contribution to the retirement fund? 0, nothing, nada. So that money comes directly from the annual tax collection, I'll let you guess what gets paid out first every year.

    Servants of the People? My ass.

    Thank God I live in the real America, WA where I can buy and cling to my Guns, Grass and Religion on the same block. Here we mostly keep our dumb shits on college campuses instead of putting them in charge.

    Thanks Chris, it's always good to be reminded why I left the Peoples Republic

  2. Hey Horatio didn't get a Shelby Logan A.I. upgrade? That sucks. He could really use one about now.

    1. I am not the author so he will have to chime in with the final word but I would say no Horatio didn't get the AI because the only contact was through the anisble. Now if Irons shows up he might get it. Or maybe Irons is planning on sending a physical courier to Horatio like he did with Shelby. Hmmm I wonder which way Chris will jump?

  3. Horatio couldnt get one becasue it would have required a canned ai for it. the internal ai that shelby recieved was in a can she received on her way to the tau sector.

  4. Personally I'm just hoping they send in the cadre. I know the federation probably can't afford to but, still it would be fantastic. Excited to see where Chris goes with it.


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