Tuesday, October 29, 2013

PB was going to the dogs...

I did say was. LOL
I've since moved on from that cover art idea, though I did toy with it for a bit, and I did redress my Blitz cyberdog for the scene I had in mind.

The above 2 are purely robotic dogs.
This is a cyborg Bulldog. He's supposed to be a bit steamerpunk, but I got lazy since he was going to be in the deep background. He's also supposed to be a bulldog with a flat face, but it wasn't working out right. Inside the funky Boller hat (it's a glass dome) is the dog's organic brain. He's a mascot of the Bounty. (More on that when you read PB)

With that scene... not quite discarded, but well, no longer the primary idea... I've gone back to my original one, a space scene. But the problem is, I've done a lot over the course of my books. I want to do something different. So I've got a couple candidates in mind... but both are... complicated. Hard to do. REALLY hard to do. GRRR...


  1. Any teaser for PB? :) :) :)
    Eagerly awaiting it here... Have another 1 week before my new job starts...
    Then again, perhaps best to not get it before then, since I do have some things I should do around the house... :)

  2. LOL
    Now who's teasing who?
    I'm going to try to refrain from giving away too much about PB, I don't want Mr. Boatright to come strangle me. :)

  3. ...... Chis is a tease shows me awesome stuff and I'm like whats this? hes like you'll find out....XD so mean but love it anyway

    1. Now who's teasing who? lol
      You've been in the loop for the final design from almost the beginning!
      Oh, btw, Mechmaster caught the admiral's eyelash bug, I forgot to load the alpha so that's fixed. And you were right... the ship's should be red. Changed that too...
      Does that qualify as teasing? >:D

  4. yes lets keep adding to the teasing!

  5. Any updates on 13 degrees? Also thank you for all your hard work on this series. I'm a voracious reader that can generally go through a book a day but all of yours have enough meat to keep me (happily) reading for several days a piece(not to mention rereading).

    1. Thank you. That's very ego boosting. :)
      I too devour books. And I too reread books. I am rereading a weber book for the 9th time. lol
      Jim said he was half done the 5 stories he hadn't read before, but is distracted by life. He said either way he'd get the manuscript back to me by this weekend.
      7 of the stories have been edited/proofed by 6 or more people. It's those other 5 that I am concerned about. I am hoping to release the book this month, but we'll see.
      Jake has PB if you are wondering about that. :)

    2. Just got Jake's e-mail, he finished PB last night and will be sending it back to me sometime this afternoon.
      I was going to post the finished cover art later but I'm being shanghaied to fix mom's pc... sigh. For various reasons their net is down... (it helps to plug the dongle in!)

    3. one step closer to being done! Jethro 2 was such a cliffhanger cant wait. hope the repairs on your mother's computer goes well

    4. Computer kinda sorta. 1 out of 2 is okay right?
      You'd think all those bumps to my head under the desk would knock some sense into me right? lol

  6. afternoon here now in Australia :)
    About to finish re-reading the wandering engineer books today, and then of to Jethro... then PB... I Hope :) :) :)

  7. With having the cover art coming up for PB is there a ETA on the final? Gone through the whole Safehold series and now wandering engineers again.

  8. PB is in Thomas's hands now. I think I'll pass it through 2-3 more people before publishing.
    But... first 13 degrees has to come out.
    I'll try to post the cover to PB and some other stuff in a new blog post after I've had some breakfast and caffeine.


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Lowering the Hammer Snippet 4

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