Wednesday, November 6, 2013

PB cover and ships

Okay, enough teasing, here it is!
Yes, that is the admiral, yes he's evolved a bit. It's not just my skills, there is a reason for it. :)

Here are the ships seen on the holotable. For the record, no I didn't make them, I bought them and repurposed them for me and my universe. Call me lazy. :)

Terran HK gunship:
A bit of a misnomer, really a broad class designation with tons of variations. A gunship is basically a fighter writ large, with a crew of 3-6 depending on the species and how friendly they are. This one has destroyer class weapons mounted in fixed positions.
The gunship has a short range, and very short life support. It needs a mother ship. But it is fast, and can hunt down helpless prey, herding them in a direction or swarming targets like giant angry bees...

Apollo class Corvette:
This is a popular corvette design that was mass produced in thousands of star systems before and during the Xeno war. This ship is extremely popular with Horath...

Manta class Frigate:
This is a slightly redressed design with my turrets on it. The wings hold extra fuel and hard points for weapons.
The above vessels were created by rj001 with textures from my library. They are cheap, so if you want to play with them, by all means go pick them up and have a blast. I'd love to make a movie or 2 on youtube with them. :)

Next we have the Antelope class Fast Attack Destroyer:
The Antelope has a battlecruiser spinal mount graser/force beam weapon and a bunch of small turrets. It's fast but lightly armored. Good for a first response in a system attack, or in a raiding scenario.
And finally, we have the Cutlass class. (I think it is something else but I'm blanking out)
This ship was on the cover of Jethro 2. (in the background) It is an ancient ship, a heavily armored destroyer. It has over a dozen turrets, but only a few missile tubes and lacks proper point defenses. It's slow, but it is just a few meters under a light cruiser class designation.
Both of the above ships were made by: skynet3020 and Simon-3D.

I have other models by these folks which you will see later... like on the cover of um... New Dawn... :)

I'm at ends on what to do right now, sort of spinning my wheels since I keep getting interrupted. Catching up on house work before Thanksgiving sounds ... okay, I admit, it's not appealing. :)But nor is scrambling at the last minute either. :P Maybe I'll spend a day or 2 catching up with Bill Baldwin's Helmsman series...


  1. I definitely concur :) Love it, and the details :)

  2. Wasn't the Cutlass an Arborth Class Destroyer? I know the Sirius, Damocles, Viper, and Cutlass have been all been IDed as them. The Damocles during the battle and AAR in the first pirate battle of Pyrax, the Sirius in the first engagement at Antigua, and the fighters IDed the Viper and Cutlass as Arborth in their long torpedo run.
    The only other destroyer mentioned as currently active is the Fast Attack Destroyer Andrea Fuentes.
    I am glad to hear PB is moving ahead. We are probably going to see 13 degrees published before it, I guess?

    1. The name Cutlass (in classes) has been used several times over the past 2,500 years. There is a Cutlass destroyer class dating back some 1200 years. That was what I was referring to.
      I cheated with the cover to J2 and PB. I was supposed to make the Arboth, I've got it blocked out, but gave in to my lazy nature and used that ship instead. And yes, the Cutlass class is a new addition to my ship manifest.
      Cutlass is also a class of fighter, one of my favorites btw. I 'borrowed' it from a certain other more famous scifi series. This one has 'Wars' in it. :)

  3. from what i know Fuentes is only listed as an light destroyer, and from the same area in the book it says that calling it a destroyer is nice, more of a heavy frigate. In Fools Gold the Damocles is listed as an Arboth, and two frigates were identified as manta class milita grade frigates, not sure about those from J2 but ill check

    1. Whoops i was wrong it was the warthog was the light frigate.. Fuentes was the light destroyer

    2. I don't think I broke down what they were beyond that. Not the specific ship class beyond frigate, destroyer or whatever.
      I'm trying to improve that now. But it's hard, there are a lot of ships in the history of the Federation... and before it!

  4. I just jotted out a treatment for 1st Terran Interstellar war. I also made minor corrections to Fools Gold, Ghost Station, and Plague Planet. (finally)
    I've got a tentative guest list for Thanksgiving, but now I've got to get on the food list and Xmas list. lol The holidays will be here before you know it!

  5. The pictures are really awesome! It looks like there is the Bounty AI and an alien AI in the ship? I also see two people to both sides of him. So being in the captain seat, it looks like he will become the captain somehow. I am really looking forward to Pirate's Bane. Is that the rename of Pirate's Rage? Or is Rage the next book afterwards? Hope the book comes out soon!

    1. Thank you. :)
      No, not an alien AI. She's a little too big to fit on the bridge so she visits by holographic proxy. :D
      Irons may be in the hot seat but he's still an admiral at heart. :)
      The male is Ops Ensign Enric Patters, the female is TACO Lieutenant Irina Nobeki.. There is supposed to be an engineering officer and 2 ratings also on the bridge but I used the other 2 figures since I'm lazy and you really can't see them well anyway.

      You can do stuff like that too. Go to and you can get the basic software for free. You can find tons of free stuff there or on Renderosity or Sharecg. (and of course you can buy or make stuff too like I did)
      I rendered in Cinema 4d, but you can do it in Daz. Anyone can do it. Think of it as playing with virtual dolls. (okay, sorry, don't mean to sound sexist)

      Pirates Bane yes. Then Ghosts of the Past ends the Wandering engineer time period. New Dawn kicks off the next time block at a faster (and hopefully more intense) pace. Pirates Rage is after New Dawn.
      Thanks to a certain 19 year old I've been puttering around with the Kittyhawk. Then he cursed me into working on Sparrows (short story) last night and this morning. And no, JG you can't see it. At least not until NEXT year so there. :P
      Butt... you can see PB after Brandon. If we can pry it out of Thomas's clutches.
      Anyone heard from Jim?

    2. ... darn that certain 19 year old!!!! Oh wait that's me....}:D

  6. Hey,

    I read your comment regarding the picture and the two persons there. If I understand you correctly they are part of the bridge crew - I thought them to be special holograms.

    Now as part of the crew it will be odd to have them standing at their places -- no way to only have one but sitting in some chair?

    Darion X

    1. Jory is correct. The 'male' is Lieutenant Lazarian Bounty, the female is Lieutenant Commander Sprite. Both are AI.
      You can't see her very well, but there is another hologram, this one of a 'flesh and blood person' in the background. You can see her better in the other shots though. She's the rainbow colored being. :)

    2. OK, but where are the two alongside the Admiral or is it possible that you brough the new one up (without) before I saw it?

      You wrote somewhere you wanted to deled them on the main picture - correct?

      Darion X


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