Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happy New Year!

Well, a Happy Belated New Year to everyone!
Yeah, I know I'm late. I wanted to leave the Pirate's Bane blog post up a bit longer.

Okay, my resolutions/ projects this year.
Other than loosing weight... (I have that one every year) there are a few things I want to do this year.
Here is what I'd like to write and publish this year.
Afraid of the Dark (Which was written back in 2011 and is still not out yet. Poon currently has it)
Book projects in write order:
Jethro 3 No place like Home (Currently 115+ pages including the short story with it, Searchlight)
Alive (14 page treatment)
To Touch the Stars  (still a treatment)
Ghosts of the Past (Currently 80+ pages including the short story with it, Lewis and Clarke)
Booststrap 2 -(Maybe?)
Short Stories: Multiverse (some have been done years and years ago)

Along with those, I get to do the covers for them, plus play with scenes I've wanted to make, such ask this:
(This is currently noncanon since I haven't gotten to that time period yet)
The Veraxin is by me. So is the Yard Dog image in the background. (I cheated) The rest all came from Daz3D and was modified by me to suit my needs. The corridor for instance is from Stonemason. I just got his latest version to play with too!
Since I have all those Daz goodies, plus I can model, sculpt, and rig stuff, I may do some more, or maybe a movie or 2. I dunno. I think that's asking a bit much though. This one I started back in November, but then hijacked it for that Xmas image I posted a couple blog posts ago...

...Let's see... work on a couple Zoid projects I've been putting off (including laying the groundwork for a possible comic, but alas, another thing I keep saying every year) Talks with Mechmaster over said comic, or another comic....(it is up in the air) and I'm also working with a buddy on a 2D side scroller Unity game called NUTZ we're working on right now. (Tut tut people! Don't be so dirty minded! It's not what you think!)
Wow, that is a lot. I've got my work cut out for me. lol

To top all that off, Da Hammer 91 cursed me by asking about the admiral's family. A few others have asked, so I finally got around to jotting out the treatment for Sparks, the first book in the Gottenburg time period. (Twighlight of the Federation, aka the Xeno war trilogy/series)
Thanks for that, it took forever to get to sleep that night. lol

I'm itching to dig into that... but manfully holding off ...for now. I don't know how long I can hold out though. I will say the plot is a bit different than I had first imagined. We'll see if I keep it that way or not.

Oh yeah...A couple people have bugged me about putting up my Amazon Author Page. I may get around to that too.

Oh, a certain somebody (not me) is also currently working on a wiki for the Federation Universe too. lol

The rest can wait!

EDIT: I ran this past Mechmaster who also pointed out the shadow errors. He advised me to switch to Area shadows, which I did. A bit of tweaking resulted in this:

And for those asking on the FB page, right now I don't know who the other people in the shot are, same as you. They are just people walking around. And no, this isn't a ship it is a space station...


  1. Hmm, the shadowing in the picture looks kind of off. Is there suppose to be multiple light sources in the area?

    1. Yup, I tweaked it. There were 4 lights with 1 as a shadowcaster parented to the key light. I did some tweaking and the above is the result.

  2. :D stop blogging and get back to work! lol kidding, i wonder if that certain somebody might ask for info for that wiki...

    1. Shockingly you didn't bug me about that all day. Gee, you sick or somethin? lol
      As I said, I did finally get chapters 1-2 of J3 roughed out today. (Finally!) So, if I can get on a roll, maybe I'll have the rest of Act 1 done this week... (I know, I'm cursing myself here)

    2. not sick just very very busy

  3. Yea! I am doing the happy dance to hear J3 is moving along. Thanks for the update Chris!

  4. Has anyone been able to update their Kindle version of Pirates Bane yet in order to get rid of the red text? I know he said he submitted the update, but I've yet to receive an email saying their was an update, and haven't been able to update the book at all. Been checking in the manage kindle section and so far nothing appears to be able to update it.
    So basically wondering anyone having the same problem I am, or is it just Amazon who hasn't released the update yet? Should I just contact amazon at this point?

  5. Amazon hasn't released the update... You can't do the update until they put it out on your manage kindle area. You will get an email when it is available. They are so sloooow. :-(

  6. Ok, thanks. Wasn't sure if they had released it or not, as I have had books that now have new covers and edited material, but I never received an update email about that. Maybe I deleted those by mistake, but ill check. Anyway Ill just keep watching for the update, thanks for confirming for me that it hasn't be put out yet. Damn red text.

    1. Okay, I finished act 1 of J3 and I'm starting to catch up on some of my chores and stuff.
      I went and made a minor change to PB, then went and recolored the text again and then saved it as a different file and uploaded it. It should be 4AM. Amazon said it will make it available in 12-24 hours.
      I suggest playing with the font color controls on your device (Kindle has it in the app, the Aa) Or finding a refresh button.

      Change of subject, Jessie, anyone else want to be a red shirt? Specs?


  7. Sure, red shirt that dies for their captain... or in this case a great book. So, software engineer upper forties. :-D

    1. Okay Lieutenant jg Ball, you are :
      We'll have to see about a proper ending later. :D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A red shirt that makes others die for their Admirals and Captains. John Tae Kim

  10. Ah, a true leader red shirt leader. Though he should get the most glorious death in the end, being the leader of the red shirts. LOL!

  11. Enemies, the one of the few things you can take with you where ever you go.

  12. I actually like the first one better, even with the shadows being weird.

  13. Just a quicky note, I'm into Act 3 of J3. About a third into chapter 24. I'm still on track to finish the first draft by the end of the week, but it is going to be tight, I've got distractions coming up I can't avoid.
    I'm getting there though!

  14. Thanks for the update Chris. That's exciting news! Thanks for the time you take to make the books that are so very cool to read. Just don't let us burn you out :-D

  15. Just curious, is Prometheus a Tender like I/O or another Heavy cruiser?

    1. I finished the 1st draft of J3 and a pile of notes, now I've got a bunch of edits to do and then I can get into my own editing pass.
      And yeah, I've got a certain Lieutenant popping up all over that book! lol
      Yes, Prometheus is a modified Cabeiri class. Io 11 is a Cabeiri Epsilon Class, Prometheus is a Zeta class.
      She has cruiser class shields, point defense lasers and missiles, and instead of an antimatter reactor she has 2 additional fusion reactors. Everything else is the pretty much the same. Oh, she's missing 1 replicator, Irons couldn't finish it in time. She may get it later...

  16. That is very cool. For some reason I thought it was another Firefly ship. So a much tougher i/o 11.

    Congratulations on finishing the first draft on J3. Good luck on the editing. I will be cheering you on!


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Lowering the Hammer has published!

 Yep.      About:   The Federation is finally ticking along as things start to come together. The Tauren war is over in the west, the Fede...