Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jethro 3 No Place Like Home

Jethro 3 No Place Like Home:
   Fresh from the liberation of Antigua, Firefly is recalled to face a potential attack on their home system of Pyrax. Not only are many of their friends and family in danger, but everything they had built up in the navy yards and training centers is in danger.
The potential future of a return to civilization and the rebirth of the Federation is in jeopardy.
Marine Neo Panther Staff Sergeant Jethro has his hands full, dealing with a ship full of bored raw recruits and demands to prepare them for potential battle.
                    He's going to find out if there really is No Place Like Home...

The book has been uploaded to both Amazon and B&N so it should be available within 24 hours! Enjoy!

Jethro 3 immenent!

I just got the word from that she's wrapping up the manuscript. As soon as I get it I'll start publishing it and post the synopses/cover art here again. Sooo... it should be out by Monday the 21st. 'Should.' Operative word there, should.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Multiverse 1 Cover + Art

I finally got the last piece of the puzzle the other day, and finished (I hope) the cover of Multiverse 1. The font color and dividers between the different scenes are still in doubt though. All the Beta's are busy with their own lives, so I got impatient and posted it here after only two people gave me feedback. :)

The cover art is made up of six different scenes, all from the book's stories. Here we go...

The top is 'Survival of the Fittest' a short story from the Bootstrap Colony universe:
Clockwise from that is an image for the Federation stories "Bringer of Fire and Light":
On the bottom right of that corner some of the bridge crew of Prometheus are shown. Captain Shelby Logan is in blue. The others are 1st LT Zeb the Veraxin in the deep background, in front of him is the TACO Conrad Murray, and the lady with curls is Chief engineer Cynthia Troll. In the foreground is the female Veraxin doctor V'brno and the calico neocat navigator Lt Silverfish.

For those of you wondering, Prometheus is in the center of the shot, with Bertha, a tanker in the upper part of the image, and two frigates as escorts on the flanks.
There are 3 stories. One each from the time periods. I'm not releasing the stories for AFTER Ghosts of the Past until it's published... >:D

Next we have the Dragon and the Unicorn, a fantasy story.
In the six o'clock position we have an image from the Metalwar 2305 universe, which will make up 40-50% of the book. I think there are 8 stories plus a ton of back material. This particular scene is from a story titled 'Ambush'. It was my second or third short story I did for Metalwar, and one of the stories that got me back into writing.
Next we have 'The Cull'. It was inspired by the New Thundercats. I had wanted to turn it into a full on novel, but I didn't have enough there to go the distance. (That and I really wasn't inspired to take it further)
I had actually intended for this to be a night shot, but it got too dark.
And last but not least, the image for 'Portal', another fantasy story:

Here they are all together:
I tried chrome, steel, and other things for the Multiverse font, but all were rejected due to legibility. I had planned on lightning bolts breaking the scenes up, but decided not to bother with them and just blended some of the scenes.

Keep an eye out for it in May or June.

In other news:
I've gotten past the 1/3rd mark with Bootstrap 2, Second Chances. But I'm hitting two walls, 1 I don't like the main character of part 2, so it's hard to get into the mindset to write. and 2, dad and the family have spring break... so I'm in no position to write much... which can be frustrating. So are the 'ho hum borreeeeeedddd' sighs I get every hour. UGH.

I'm sorely tempted to work on the cover to Second Chances just to get me into writing the next part. Or I need to go watch some dark characters, like on Walking Dead. I dunno.

I cleaned up some of the other books in the pipeline (treatments and partial manuscripts) I tweaked To Touch the Stars and doubled it's page count... but that's going to be fun to write. Fun not in a good way. :P

I have been going crazy with the DAZ3D and Renderosity sales over the past 5 weeks as you can see from the above. I also bought most of the materials for the covers of Bootstrap 2, Alive, Ghosts of the Past, To Touch the Stars, and even bits and pieces for stuff wwwaaaay in the future. (2015-2016 books)  lol. I think I'm going nutty with the sales. A lot of cool stuff though!

I still want to release Jethro 3 this month. It all depends on when Jory gets it back to me, and how long it takes for Goodlife to work their magic afterward. I'm forcasting the third or last week of the month now. I'll keep you posted.

Oh, and finally, Hemoglobin (H1ac) test came back at 5.7. The diabetic threshold is 6.4. (I looked it up) So, I'm NOT a diabetic. Well, I'll find out the 'official' news from my doctor Monday. Believe me, I can't wait, I'm so tired of pricking my fingers two or more times daily and having them sore while I try to type!


Lowering The Hammer Snippet 1

 Sitrep: so, I'm still working on figuring out our housing situation. Not fun. Anyway, I started Shelby 9, Peacekeepers and I also sent ...