Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jethro 3 No Place Like Home

Jethro 3 No Place Like Home:
   Fresh from the liberation of Antigua, Firefly is recalled to face a potential attack on their home system of Pyrax. Not only are many of their friends and family in danger, but everything they had built up in the navy yards and training centers is in danger.
The potential future of a return to civilization and the rebirth of the Federation is in jeopardy.
Marine Neo Panther Staff Sergeant Jethro has his hands full, dealing with a ship full of bored raw recruits and demands to prepare them for potential battle.
                    He's going to find out if there really is No Place Like Home...

The book has been uploaded to both Amazon and B&N so it should be available within 24 hours! Enjoy!


  1. The book is now available!! Just bought it.

  2. such a good book! many fun little easter eggs!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Arthur:
    I'm tempted to delete your post because of the spoiler in it, not because of the comments. I'm sorry you feel that way though. I can't get into details on why things went the way they did, other than to say nothing ever really happens the way we'd like it to be, and life is rather messy. Politics even more so. Enough said there. You'll have to wait until GP or Jethro 4 to find out the rest.

  5. Chris, I have removed the post. As you have read & responded to my feedback, its sufficient for me.

    I would, of course wait eagerly for Jethro 4 and GOP to see how plot develops further.

  6. Chris, finished reading Jethro 3. Funny thing: I and my hubby were reading in bed and I got to a certain name and description (which I will not mention to avoid spoiler). I burst out laughing and my hubby says to say he levitated two feed and nearly had a heart attack since it came during a long quiet time and he had almost been asleep. My poor sweetie. LOL! Oh well. I explained what had surprised and delighted me and he also started laughing and making jokes about the character maybe will be a red shirt victim later in the book. Needless to say, he has been teasing me off and on today which has been funny. Otherwise, I definitely enjoyed the book and a (maybe) conclusion of a Pyrax thread. I love cats, so I enjoyed Jethro's AI progression. So cool!. I also was happy for the add on story though sad for parts that occurred. Good job Chris and Thanks for giving us a great read for the holidays!

  7. Just finished it Chris, and it was again a very nice installment, and it sure added a lot of flesh to the universe around Irons :)
    Was very surprised though about a certain characters interaction with other parties. That was really out of the blue, especially since we had quite a lot of the story told from this persons viewpoint earlier.
    Needless to say, I am very much eagerly awaiting next installment in this universe and time :) Perhaps time to re-read all the earlier books until next one comes out :)

  8. It was up their with the first 2 books in This series, only put it down once to refill the coffee jug actually it twice hehe lol.

  9. intersting story. Though it did remind to ask a question. If it is mentioned in one of the books please point me to it if not please explain. I know that milspec is more expensive but lasts longer and is more robust than civilian tech (like plasme conduits). Does that hold true for implants and what is meant by like level 1, 2, or 3 implants. Or is there some other kind of difference between civilian and military grade implants. I remember a mention that Firefly had to make use of civilian grade medical nano for a long time which is part of what prompted this question.

    1. Thank you.
      Wow, loaded question, with a lot of levels and answers.
      Okay, where to start? Um, Milspec versus civilian. Well, for hardware, Milspec is built to handle long term use, high intensity use, for multiple hostile environments/conditions. "It takes a licking and keeps in ticking" is one way of putting it. Also, Milspec is built by military factories, replicators, or contractors to very precise technical specs with very good quality control. Third point, it's built to be more efficient and go above and beyond anything civilian grade can handle for load/etc. I'm not sure if I'm doubling up on that point or not. Many items are built to handle battle damage and keep functioning or even have some sort of self repair/reroute ability. I'm pretty sure I'm rambling now. lol
      Implants are different. Milspec implants are for military personnel, so they have military mission software, hardware, etc. Civilian grade is... cheap. Sometimes made by the lowest bidder, and back in the day (which I admit you haven't seen yet) could be installed in a rundown shop in some back alley if the price was right.
      Again, quality is an issue, and efficiency. Software, encryption packages, I think you get the general idea. There are some civilian tech that rivals milspec, and even some milspec that was either sold on the black market or sold off as surplus out there. But not implant hardware.
      The level of implants ranges from basic level 1 which is the most common. That is an eye implant, micro computer, and USB port woven into the skin of an appendage (hand). The eye implant lets the user see data sent from the jack in the hand. A level 1 implant can be used for many common things like banking, watching a video, and security access. Level 2 includes audio.The implant levels go on from there varying in intensity, (connections to the brain, etc) contents, and sophistication.
      Level 1 implants can be made in pill form as seen in New Dawn and other stories. (ID implants) The nanites wait until the body is asleep, then goes to work using the pill and supplements or minerals in the body to grow the implant.
      Firefly had to use civilian medical nano... oh, I'm thinking that was before Thornby got her military medical officer implants in Fools Gold.... Yeah. Firefly didn't have any military grade nano in stock nor could he replicate more without a medical officer. So the initial crop of people had to go through crude implant procedures then be programmed later until they got that resolved.

    2. I realized that I was asking mulitple questions the next day (Ihad been up for about 30 hours when I wrote that. Just now have had time to check not to mention got the computer problems fixed). But this does prompt another question. What level of implants does Irons have? I remember a reference in New Dawn that he had a civilian implant which from your description is level 1. But what about the others (like his arms and legs). And is the Trinity "housed" in the implants or a special module or what?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Next wandering engineer book PLEASE. I know many people love Jethro but I thirst for more of the admiral! PLEASE.

  12. I like how Chris has include FireFlys adventures in Jethro's series its a nice touch.

    I would like to put a request in for some star maps of the region. To get a feeling of where things are in relationship to where the main characters are and even some of the Subs characters e.g. Cali (Cali and the Wolves), Jane Darling (The Last Round Up)

  13. Little-puff, on the facebook group we have a star map.

  14. Andrew thanks for the head up. Can u put a link up, thanks

  15. I had to hunt for these:
    I haven't ghosted the FB group in a while. I should do that sometime.
    Darion just sent me plot points to rewrite for Multiverse 1. I'm going to go over them shortly unless I get distracted. (Oh! Something shiny!!!)
    I'm re-writing the 3rd part (act isn't quite right) of Bootstrap 2. I goofed, and forgot a lot of stuff in the first book. (such as it being winter in the end! DUR!) So, I'm kinda bummed about that.... well, that and the heat! It's supposed to be 100 today! NOOO!

    1. I feel your pain. Thank the universe for air conditioning.

  16. Hey Chris do you have a rough timeline for when the next wandering engineer book will be coming?

    1. Here is my VERY rough publishing schedule for the year:
      Multiverse 1: June. That has 3 Federation short stories in it, including 1 from the Wandering Engineer time period.
      Bootstrap 2 Second Chances: I'm shooting for August. I'm running into issues though with the third act so it might be late in that month or even September.
      Alive: Still up in the air on scheduling writing that one.
      To Touch the Stars: (Founding of the Federation 2) I'd like it to come out in October but too far in the future right now.
      Ghosts of the Past: (the last book in the engineer time period) I'm shooting for December. Again, too early to get more of a date. I've got some plot revisions to work into the current manuscript.
      Of course I'm not taking into account things that may interrupt me, like the now sketched out family vacation time in July, or any other events....

  17. Okay just so I don't freak out and prepare to commit suicide for no reason. I need some clarification. When you say that Ghost of the Past is the last book in the Wandering Engineer time period do you mean it is the final Wandering Engineer series? The last of Irons?

    1. I'm not going anywhere fast, (seriously, still picking thorns out of my feet) and have no plans to shuffle off. lol
      GP will end that time period. Anything more would be spoiler. You'll have to wait and see. :)
      I have 4 time blocks for the Federation series. Founding, Gottenburg (Xeno war), Wandering, and the New Federation. My original plan was to do 1 book in each time period a year, (plus sidelines like Jethro) but that got side tracked by the demand for more Irons. lol I'm going to play a little catch up with To Touch the Stars, Multiverse, and others here, plus GP.
      So again, you have to wait and see. ;)
      Oh, side note, I bought the Rawart bears 2 ( and I've been having fun with them. I came up with an image of a partial squad, which inspired me a bit. I'll see where it goes later...

  18. Now that the betas have wound down I finally passed it on to Goodlife for the final stages. I am hoping it will be out the first week of June. Darion and I really went over the Prometheus story.

    Bootstrap is slowly creeping along. Operative word, creeping. As in slowlllly. Glacial sometimes. I'm now worried I may have 2 books on my hands though just from the page count. I'm 5 months into the 3rd act and it's supposed to span 3-4 years. Tons of events are going on in it. Now that Multiverse is no longer a distraction I can focus... oh wait, Memorial day... birthdays coming up....the family trip to Universal studios... The summer heat hitting early...and here is more stuff from Darion about planning GP and other books... oh boy. ooooh boy. Focus. Yeah. Right.

  19. Good news about multiverse maybe coming out first week of June. Hurray and thank you from your rabid fans :-D. Yep, life will definitely start getting in the way with summer hitting. Just consider it hit point recharge time or muse recharge time. May you have a good time at Universal Studios!

  20. It is too bad you can't have stickers made up that say something like "Wandering Engineer was here." and put them at places you go and visit.

    1. I support this idea but would probably get you kicked out of the park. BUT think of the publicity of getting on the news?????? Maybe worth it ?

  21. I'm still making slow progress with Second Chances. And some people keep dragging me back (sometimes kicking and screaming, or at least gnashing my teeth) to the Federation Universe. lol
    I haven't heard back from Goodlife yet. I'm assuming I won't see Multiverse 1 back from her until after the holiday. Then I get to go over it and approve the changes... (always fun) then send it back for the final formatting.
    It would be nice to get it out before my birthday... :) Have a good Memorial day everyone!

  22. I was just reading over the bootstrap colony book and had a question pop into my head. Why didn't Mitch bring along a prefabbed home? I would think he could have had a two part one built and mounted on trailers and the insides filled with gear.

    1. He did. It was a dome and other things but since he had the caves he went that route and used the prefab stuff in the cave.
      Glad someone else is interested in Bootstrap. :) I'm up to 322 pages on the page count and still climbing for Bootstrap 2. Time for lunch though!

    2. Bootstrap was actually the first book of yours I read lol. I thought, wow that was good, does he write anything else! Then I got a engineering addiction...

    3. Really enjoyable book to read (Bootstrap) looking forward to the follow up. All so looking forward to Multiverse due out very soon hopefully Tues 3rd

  23. Mike: Cool. Jory, Thomas, and Mechmaster helped me clean it up a ton I think. I'm going to reissue the 1st one with GF going over it again just before I publish Second Chances.

    Sorry Little Puff, not that soon. (I wish!)
    I'm not sure when since I still haven't gotten it back from GF to proofread and then send back for final formatting. Final formatting takes a week usually. I think I may need to go poke someone with an e-mail or something...
    Um... hmmm... there are people lurking in my e-mail waiting for me so they can pounce with distracting Federation questions, ideas, and stuff.... maybe not. lol

  24. no new blog entry since April?! whats happeneing?!?!?!?!? hope all is well with our favorite author!

    1. I'm trying something different, leaving the latest book up so it get's a bit of love and isn't buried in my chatter. :)
      I'll post the Bruins pic and more stuff just before Multiverse 1 comes out. BTW I should see it this weekend sometime I hope. Then I get to go over it again (joy) and then hand it off for final formatting...


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Lowering The Hammer Snippet 1

 Sitrep: so, I'm still working on figuring out our housing situation. Not fun. Anyway, I started Shelby 9, Peacekeepers and I also sent ...