Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Multiverse 2

Finally! Some air!
(Sorry Ruby, I couldn't resist! lol)

        Anyway, I have finally come up for air. I finished the rough draft of Multiverse 2 Saturday, and just finished the rough draft of the cover art 3 hours ago. I have sent it to a couple of the Betas and Mechmaster to get their take before I post it here.

       There are 11 stories in Multiverse 2.  Plus the sneak Peek of an upcoming book. I hadn't planned on so many Fed stories but... shrug. Oh well. The good news is Multiverse 3 is already 6 story treatments and climbing. lol
EDIT: Here is the cover art.

Here are the M2 stories:

Virus (mix drama sorta scifi)


The Santa Brigade
The Pack
Last Assault of the Emperor

Founding of the Federation stories:
Island of Moreau
Bumper and Boomer
The Good Ship USFP Lollipop

Wandering Engineer Story:
Lewis and Clarke (The story that was supposed to be at the end of GP, not the third act like people have talked about)

     Minion Mike and Poon currently have the manuscript. (Mike has been ominously quiet) Jory has already put dibs in for next in line as soon as MM finishes... (So you can pester him Jory, not me!) Poon finished his first pass and is now sending me corrections. If any other Betas want in on this please let me know.

      Okay, let's see... a lot of fires going on in the FB group and in the previous post's comments! Wow. Jory and minion Mike clued me in something was up but I was hunkered down writing at the time. lol I can say a lot of stuff will be seen in future books. Most definitely. And the maddening stuff... well, you'll have to wait and see right? :) Even some of the Betas are breathing down my necks for me to come clean! lol

          Oh, I am aware I owe a couple of snippets. Sorry, as I said, I've been preoccupied. I'll try to skim a few off by this weekend. At least 2. Let's call it that okay? 2? Yeah, that works for me. I'll get around to it. :)

      Future plans:
      I have altered my writing schedule for the next couple of years. (Yeah years, I'm that booked up now! Right to 2019!) Instead of jumping into Jethro 4 Recruiting Drive (which is going to need a rewrite after BL) as I had planned I am instead diving head first into Battle Lines. (It sets up J4) I had intended a time skip but as you know with the events in GP and Bringer of Fire and Light and other stuff things are moving quicker than anticipated.
   I had planned to work on the cover of Multiverse 2 all this week... I'm still in art mode so I think I'll dive back into some more 3D projects while stamping out other fires. I did a couple ships a while back, I need to clean them up and post them here. I also have planned to do some character portraits. Horatio Logan, Admiral Subert, Admiral White, Captain Mayweather, Governor Randall, Sindri, Protector, Cheetahra, and others if I have time. Oh, that Raven guy definitely. I have most of the stuff I need to model and dress them... I think. Hmm... any ideas? Requests?


  1. Okay but I am eagerly awaiting J4 to see if Jethro and Irons finally meet up and fully come clean. Yes I know Irons gave a bunch of info to Jethro already but I also got the feeling that there was quite a bit he couldn't give even 7 centuries later due to security classifications. No one thing that I can point to but I was left with that impression. But wouldn't it be kinda ironic if the F platoon eventually restarted the Carde?

  2. Screw the art! My hunger for more of your books is insatiable, I WANT I WANT I WANT -CONSUMER RANT CONTINUES-. Seriously though, I personally prize your Irons novels waaaaay above the rest of the stuff, I just can't get any immersion from the other time period stuff and the Jericho stuff to me is just... meh... I just want to keep learning about Irons and, following the revelation, how he rebuilds (and tweaks?) the Federation, the Navy and the fleet itself. :( SO PLEASE KEEP WRITING WRITE WRITE WRITE PUMP THOSE BOOKS OUT!!!!!! *insert rant on demanding instant results from authors here* On a side note, is working on this universe more than hobby? Like do you make enough to support yourself or do you have a day job/born into wealth? I don't expect an answer because, you know, personal and private info. etc. but i was just interested.

    1. Should I keep you and Duncan separate? Don't let Jory hear you, he loves the Bootstrap series. lol

      The art helps me to visualize people and scenes while also giving me a rest to refresh. While the PC is rendering I am forced to walk away to catch up on deferred things like chores and phone calls, paperwork, books, and movies. :)

      This is a full time job writing, art, etc. I write and work on this all the time from my home. I do it from just before sun up to well past sundown.... and yes, I still get up in the middle of the night and write paper notes by flashlight. lol

      ...Ask and you shall receive I guess. I managed to get a couple characters roughed out yesterday and today (Cheetahra, Captain Mayweather, I think I did her sister earlier, the beginnings of a Federation Daz Elf, plus I did Commander Matilda today) ... but I started jotting a scene idea out in Battle Lines. One thing led to another and I found at the end of yesterday I had added 15 pages and another 13 today. I am trying to start at the beginning now though, I've spent the past couple of hours trying to clean up chapter 1.. :P
      I still want to do the other characters though. For now I'm off to check out Schlock Mercenary and then go pop a movie in. My time in front of the PC is finished for tonight! :)

    2. No that is quite alright. I just want to read authors I enjoy. the more I enjoy an author the more I reread their books. I was always of the opinion that to truly understand a book you need to read it at least twice. You usually pick up so much more the second time (or third, fourth, fifty-ninth time). You do that because you are freer to concentrate on making connections to other stories in that series or in Chris's case, pop culture references that may not jump out the first time around. Like with Io11 I missed the Vandread reference the first time around but the second time I got it. In this case I hasve read most of Chris's books at least 3 or 4 times now.

  3. Yes some more art would be nice. Some world building stuff =p. A couple things would be interesting like, basic federation military uniforms, class 1's, 2's and 3's. Also the Horath uniforms of the same lol. I would also say try and put in the flag's of the two. This way we get more world content while at the same time you get to play with your art!

  4. well Chris you could always do a your guide to the Sigma sector circa time of ghost planet describe the various no 1 million species described the planets like angnosta climate temperate main export USFP Marines and ship types seen to date like Clydesdale freighter average crew 60 average cargo capacity? Average speed? Just have your minions do all the hard work looking it up for you from the books and if you trust them your notes

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 Yep.      About:   The Federation is finally ticking along as things start to come together. The Tauren war is over in the west, the Fede...