Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Piece of the Pi

A Piece of the Pie, aka Tales of the Reborn Federation 2, aka how plans change.

   Okay, that last part is me, not the title. And I bet a lot of you are wondering what the devil I'm talking about. Okay, here goes.
   I finished story 4 of the Federation contingent and realized I had 2 more stories to go (the PRI one, a Princess in a Strange Land and the Bootstrap story) but I was already over 300 pages for Multiverse 3. Oops? I didn't want to push it, since anthologies don't sell well, so I hemmed and hawed and then today decided to bite the bullet and toss the 4 stories into their own short book with a bit of extras and call it good. I'll dig out one of the other Fed story treatments to go with MV3.

   So, here we are. 4 stories, 3 of them with the gang from Io 11, and 1 story on Nuevo A. And a bunch of back matter to play with. It is all around 200+ pages. Yes it is short. I sent out a Beta blast about it. I don't know if we can get the manuscript published by the end of the month, but we are going to try.
I'll work on the cover art tomorrow. At the moment the only thing coming to me is Io 11's climax... no, I can't get into that. Or... no, I can't do that either. Or... no, not that either, though it would be cool... Grrr! Anyway, I'll think of something! (I hope!)

EDIT: I threw this cover together yesterday. I'm still waiting on Beta feedback. (Everyone is busy!)

If any Betas want in, let me know ASAP! You've got until Saturday to get it back to me!

  In other news, I've been making slow progress with the Reindeer Project. It's coming down to the wire, I was honestly hoping I'd have the reindeers almost done by now, but nope. (like a lot of people, we put up our decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving. I wanted to have it done by then) Hopefully we'll see more progress soon. Once I get it all together I'll post the limited pictures and videos I've taken and do a blog post or two about it. It is pretty cool, in my own humble opinion. :)
  I've learned all sorts of things, like casting latex. I definitely need to learn a bit more soon though, like how to paint said latex with an airbrush. But first I need to learn how to close the latex seams and how to attach the latex to the legs and head. (not fun) Right now I'm getting teased because Rudolph my prototype looks like a skinned cow. :P

Despite the costs involved, (and yes they are high!) I'm already thinking of projects I want to do next for next year. Muhahaha >:D


  1. Real good cover Chris. I like it

    1. Thanks!
      KISS. I had all these elaborate ideas but ended up falling back to that. :)

  2. The cover looks great, I'm looking forward to reading it.

  3. OMG finally a new PRI. Have to read the first one again to remind me why I liked it so much.

  4. Thanks Richard.
    John: It is a short story in Multiverse 3, NOT in A Piece of The Pi. Well, I did just stick the raw first page or so into the sneak peek of Pi...

    Anyway, I got it Pi back from Rea this morning and just sent it off to Goodlifeguide. And, hopefully along the way I didn't get hacked since I just got hit by a ransom pop up. GRR.

  5. Great book! Can't wait to find out what happens with Io-11 and they're newest prize! Faiths storyline was cool as well. With everything going on with Io_11 I could see Irons authorizing something along the lines of WW1 and WW2 merchant marines with armed merchant ships that are in the navel reserve and have AI to do over watch of the weapons. Well anyway I'll be leaving a review over on Amazon. Would have read this one sooner but I was halfway through the Shogun Audio Book and it has like a 54.5 hour run time. I have to say that it's a great book, but if I hear Anjin_San one more time I may clime a tree to fling poo like a zoo monkey! Great book though as is yours. Happy holidays, enjoy the madness.


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Lowering the Hammer has published!

 Yep.      About:   The Federation is finally ticking along as things start to come together. The Tauren war is over in the west, the Fede...