Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Multiverse 3

Multiverse 3 is on the horizon. :)
  There are 8 stories on the book, 4 of them are represented on the cover. Clockwise from the upper left is A Princess in a Strange Land (PRI), Omen of Change (BSC) Dragon King, and 6BO (Federation).
  The other stories include an AD story (End of the World) and 2 Scifi one off stories, as well as another Federation story, A Christmas Intervention.
  I had planned A Piece of the Pi as a part of MV3 but the stories grew so long I had to snip them out and throw them into their own book. I had considered stopping writing for the month to take my time off but I got into writing the last stories. I threw Omen of Change and A Christmas Intervention together in under 48 hours I think.

  In other news, the Reindeer Project has been put on hold for the holiday. I know I'm going to get razzed about that. >:( There is no way I can get it done this year, let alone by Christmas. I just ran into too many problems and ran out of time. The axles kept breaking, bits kept popping off, the motors keep getting stuck, and the skins turned out to be a 1/2inch too small...among other things. Even posing the set for a static display would be too hard. GRR.
  I'm disappointed too. I may need to re-engineer things. I might also need to make all new skins. Ugh.
  Since I can't make forward progress there I switched to a Christmas gift project, a couple other print projects, as well as doing some homework Wayne asked me to do. (Currently the Pi map update) I may do other homework projects in between everything else going on here. Or not, it depends on how crazy things get. Christmas Eve is fast approaching!

That's it for now. We'll see what Shelley at Goodlifeguide.com says about how soon we can see MV3 get published!


  1. Great news about the book, can't wait. 2 stories in 48 hours each or together? Either way congrats. Speaking of crazy, in the time it took me to read your post, my sisters 3 year old grandson has set up fortifications it the corner of the living room. He is currently sitting on his toilet watching his tablet (From the sound of it he's watch Jurassic park) with a bowl of jalapeno cheese puffs, his sippy cup of milk, and is putting out some surprisingly accurate sniper fire on his cousins and mother with what looks like three Nerf guns. Life here is like looking both ways before crossing the street only to be hit by a boat being towed by an airplane that's being flown by a monkey. Good luck. I'm going back to bed.


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Lowering the Hammer has published!

 Yep.      About:   The Federation is finally ticking along as things start to come together. The Tauren war is over in the west, the Fede...